[community] Unidata Users Workshop - Navigating Earth System Science Data

Hello Unidata Community,

Are you planning to join us this summer for the Unidata Users Workshop, "Navigating Earth System Science Data," 9-13 July 2012, to be held in Boulder, Colorado? Don't forget to register...

The workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to finding and using geoscience data. For a full list of presenters, topics, and other important information, visit the Workshop web site at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/events/2012UsersWorkshop.

Bring your laptop and be ready for demonstrations and hands-on exercises. There will be a poster session, time for one-on-one discussions with presenters and developers, and we have carved out time for some fun activities too.

Students are encouraged to attend; there are a limited number of student stipends available to defray expenses. See the web site for details.

NOTE: We are extending the deadline for student submissions to June 1, 2012. If you know a student -- or are a student -- who wants to come, there is still time to apply.

Registration is open until June 4, 2012. Register today!

The workshop is organized by the Unidata Users Committee and Unidata Program Center staff, and sponsored by the National Science Foundation.

Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services
ddirks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  *  303-497-8657

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