[community] EarthCube use cases and workflows solicitation

Hello Unidata community members,

As you may already be aware, the National Science Foundation is soliciting input from individuals and organizations from across the geosciences spectrum to inform and guide its EarthCube project. NSF's goal for the EarthCube is to "transform the conduct of research by supporting the development of community-guided cyberinfrastructure to integrate data and information for knowledge management across the Geosciences."

In order to design a robust and useful system, the EarthCube project needs to understand how data-focused science is done in practice -- and they are currently collecting "science requirements" from members of the geoscience community. From the EarthCube community site:

   Understanding geoscience user's requirements and unmet
   cyberinfrastructure needs is a required step in building EarthCube
   and advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Please help us by
   participating in our online questionnaire so we can better
   understand the scope and functionality that will be required by
   proposed approaches to the EarthCube system. The questionnaire can
   be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GeoSciRequirements .
   Responses are requested on or before October 15, 2011, and a summary
   will be presented at the EarthCube Design Charrette.

As a first step, we encourage you to participate by filling out the on-line questionnaire before October 15th. In addition, we at the Unidata Program Center would like to take this process farther by collecting more specific requirements from Unidata community members, which we will collate and present to the EarthCube team. We are looking for community members to provide us with information to compile brief overviews of their own use cases and science workflows, in an effort to answer questions like:

 * What types of data are most useful? Real-time data streams?
   Archived observational data? Model output?
 * How do you locate the data that will be useful?
 * Once located, how do you access the data? What data formats
   and protocols are most valuable?
 * What types of tools do you use to do scientific analysis of the data?
 * How do you archive and share your results?
 * How do you collaborate with others, locally and remotely?
 * What percentage of your time would you estimate you spend on
   data-related tasks versus scientific analysis and interpretation?
 * How can the situation in each of these areas be improved to make
   the process of doing science easier and more effective?

If you are willing to participate in this compilation, please reply to (earthcube@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). For more information on the EarthCube project, see:

 * Overview from News@Unidata blog: (http://bit.ly/rtGRwo)
 * The EarthCube community site: (http://earthcube.ning.com/)
 * NSF's EarthCube site: (http://www.nsf.gov/geo/earthcube/)

Thank you,


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