[community] DeSouza Recognition Award-Call for Nominations

Greetings, Members of the Unidata Community:

The Unidata Users Committee invites you to submit nominations for the
Russell L. DeSouza Award for Outstanding Community Service. This Community
Service Award honors individuals whose energy, expertise, and active
involvement enable the Unidata Program to better serve the geosciences.


Honorees personify Unidata's ideal of a community that shares data,
software, and ideas through computing and networking technologies. Previous
award recipients include:

-- Harry J. Edmon (University of Washington)
-- Douglas Yarger (Iowa State)
-- Tom Whittaker (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
-- Dan Vietor (Unisys)
-- Mary DesJardins (NCEP)
-- Rich Clark (Millersville University)
-- Jim Moore (Saint Louis University)
-- Mark Laufersweiler (University of Oklahoma)
-- Elen Cutrim (Western Michigan University)

Nominations should be sent to <nominations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.  Please
provide a brief perspective/description of the nominee's contributions to
the Unidata community. The deadline for receiving nominations is 1 February 2010. The awardee will be selected from the list of nominees by the Unidata
Users Committee, and will be invited to Boulder to receive the award at the
spring Users Committee Meeting scheduled for 11-12 March 2010.  The
recipient will be invited to give a presentation on use of Unidata data and 

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Tom Whittaker, Chair, Unidata Users Committee
University of Wisconsin
Space Science & Engineering Center

Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Community Services, Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690

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