[community] 2009 Unidata Equipment Awards


The 2009 Unidata Equipment Awards Program

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation

Are you interested in participating in the Unidata program?

Do you need upgraded equipment to continue participating?

Do you have an innovative contribution to make to the Unidata community?

We are soliciting proposals for computer equipment purchases from academic institutions engaged in teaching and research in the geosciences. * Awards up to $20K will be made. * Proposals must be received by March 16, 2009 to be considered.
    * Notification of award status will be made by mid May, 2009.

This year, special consideration will be given to proposals that:

    Enhance participation and advancement of underrepresented
     populations, particularly proposals by investigators in community
     and baccalaureate colleges and minority serving institutions. The
     primary purpose of this focus is to give the broader community
     access to Unidata tools and datasets that could be relevant to
     their teaching and research.  Up to two awards will be made in
     this category.

     Provide useful datasets using Unidata technologies to the Unidata
     community to support education and research.

As always, these special emphases do not preclude proposals from other members of the Unidata community for procuring new computers or upgrading existing classroom and laboratory equipment to integrate Unidata tools and data services in geoscience education and research.


Further details are available at:


Or for more information, contact us at: support-egrants@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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