Re: [cf-satellite] [CF-metadata] how to capture horizontal spatial resolution of imagery in a standard way

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  • To: Randy Horne <rhorne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [cf-satellite] [CF-metadata] how to capture horizontal spatial resolution of imagery in a standard way
  • From: Mike Grant <mggr@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 19:50:33 +0100
Hi Randy,

On 30/04/13 19:33, Randy Horne wrote:
> Although it works, using boundary variables to capture the horizontal
> spatial resolution of imagery is inefficient.
> Using cell methods with the keyword "interval" could be used to
> capture the horizontal spatial resolution of imagery, but it implies
> the data values represent specific points rather than areas.  (I
> guess a "resolution" keyword could be added for use with cell
> methods.)
> Another option is to establish a standard_name for horizontal spatial
> resolution and relate the value to the data variable using the
> "ancillary_variables" keyword.

I think it would need to be reasonably clear what the contents of this
variable should be in order for it to be useful as a standard (and it's
more metadata than a data variable, so I think it may be better just to
improve the cell bounds part of CF).

It'd also be good to be clear how this differs from and is better than
the cell boundaries.  I think you mean a standard way to specify that a
pixel is "100m horizontally" rather than "drawing" these with vertices
in a bounds variable?  Perhaps you could expand on this?



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