Re: [cf-satellite] Sharing quality flags among multiple variables

NOTE: The cf-satellite mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.


On Oct 31, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Randy Horne wrote:

> The current CF conventions dictate that quality flags are attached to 
> specific variables.  The implication is that comforming with CF conventions 
> would require the same quality flags to be stored multiple times in our 
> NetCDF product files.  

One observation here:

We've seen multiple examples of storing a quality flag variable ONCE in a 
netCDF file while remaining CF compliant.  If  the quality flagging is relevant 
to multiple variables within the netCDF file, why not use a "comment:"  
attribute in the quality variable to describe exactly which variables the 
quality flagging is relevant for ?


Ed Armstrong
JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC
818 519-7607

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