Re: [cf-satellite] Proposal for band dimension and coordinate variable

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CF-SAT Listers-
Based on the various ways that bands/channels can be differentiated, I lean toward the first solution that Tom described (shown below).

On 7/20/2011 3:37 PM, Tom Whittaker wrote:
One simply used a name like
"band" solely as a dimension and defined a standard_name for this so
that code could recognize it as such.  Several other variables were
then used to define wavelength, etc., again using standard_names to
alert applications as to what they were.

The problem with the other is that there so many ways to differentiate channels. Rudi brought up polarization. Other issues include: - You'd also need frequency as a std variable (since microwave channels are generally titled that way). - Channels with same frequency but variable widths [where the center frequency is the same, but the range od sensitivity changes, like with SSMIS ( and AMSU which is even more complex ( -Similar frequency but with differing optical path cell pressure (something sits in the optical path on the satellite ... a la SSU)

So I would recommend not creating coordinate axis types because there are so many ways to differentiate "bands".



Ken Knapp
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
828-271-4339 (voice) 828-271-4328 (fax)

"Studies show that 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions."

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