[awips2-users] EDEX Outage this Weekend

Hi all,

The cloud server where we host our EDEX experienced unanticipated issues
recently.  Because of this we experienced a partial EDEX outage beginning
late Friday (3/1/24) evening which seemed to affect satellite and some
model data.  This issue was resolved this morning and all data should be
available now.  If you are having any issues, please close CAVE, clear
and restart EDEX.

We also would like to restate that our services are not operational and we
typically do not work on the weekends unless we are available.
Unfortunately, all members of the AWIPS team were unavailable to address
the issue before today.

Thank you to those that notified us of the outage.  We apologize for the
inconvenience and hope everything is back to normal now.

--AWIPS Team
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