[awips2-users] Important Notice to EDEX Users - V20.3.2-1


We know of a couple issues with the pqact.* files that were released in our
latest 20.3.2-1 release
<https://github.com/Unidata/awips2/releases/tag/20.3.2-1-release> that
cause LDM to not start up. We are working on a minor official release, but
in the meantime you can manually make the update by downloading the
updated pqact.conf.priority file.

If running a standalone edex, you can:
1. From your EDEX, change directory to /awips2/ldm/etc:
cd /awips2/ldm/etc
2. Run:
3. If ldm is already running, run (or allow LDM to start up with EDEX):
ldmadmin pqactHUP

~The AWIPS Team


Tiffany Meyer
AWIPS Lead Software Engineer IV
NSF Unidata
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