Re: [awips2-users] Model loops use multiple runs instead of just one

This not an new issue.  I saw the same thing with FX-NET (pre CAVE).  The GFS 
12Z run data does not start becoming available until after 15Z.  Depending what 
else is going at NCEP EMC, it could take about an hour or so before the 
complete data set is available.  Until the new data replaces the older data, 
the older data are displayed. When all is over written only the latest run is 

In the past  the models had their own channel on the AWIPS satellite link.  I 
don't know if this is still true or not.  The models, satellite, observations, 
etc. could all be interleaved.. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Devin Eyre <Devin.Eyre@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wed, Jan 8, 2020 12:07 pm
Subject: [awips2-users] Model loops use multiple runs instead of just one

 &lt;!--#yiv2667506438 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}--&gt;Is there a way, 
other than only keeping one model run, to have awips2 only use data from a 
single run for loops?  Where we're seeing this is with the GFS.  For example, 
after 240 hours, with the 12Z run being the latest, some frames will come from 
the 06Z run.
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