[awips2-users] EDEXrequest won't stay running.

I shut down edex with 'edex stop', and EDEXrequest didn't stop.  I
killed the first process ID listed in the output from 'edex status' for
it, and then rebooted the server.  When the server booted up again,
edex wasn't running, so I started it with 'edex start', and all
processes except EDEXrequest showed they were running.  I've attached a
log file from the EDEXrequest process.

Has anyone run into this problem before?
INFO  2019-08-15 18:20:58,785 8731 [main] Main: 
* AWIPS II EDEX ESB Platform                     *
* Version: 18.1.1                                *
* Raytheon Company                               *
* UCAR Unidata Program Center                    *
* NON-OPERATIONAL                                *
*                                                *
*                                                *
INFO  2019-08-15 18:20:58,804 8732 [EDEXMain] Executor: EDEX run configuration: 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:20:58,804 8733 [EDEXMain] Executor: EDEX site 
configuration: OAX
INFO  2019-08-15 18:20:59,131 8734 [EDEXMain] Executor: 

EDEX configuration files: 
edex, edex-db

Spring-enabled Plugins:
acars-common, acars-common-dataaccess, acarssounding-common, 
activetable-common, activetable-request, airep-common, airep-common-dataaccess, 
airmet-common, alertviz-request, archiveadmin-request, atcf-common, 
atcf-request, auth-request, awipstools-request, aww-common, 
binlightning-common, binlightning-common-dataaccess, bufrascat-common, 
bufrhdw-common, bufrmos-common, bufrmos-common-dataaccess, bufrmthdw-common, 
bufrncwf-common, bufrsigwx-common, bufrssmi-common, bufrua-common, 
bufrua-dataaccess-common, ccfp-common, climate-common-dataaccess, 
convsigmet-common, cwa-common, dataaccess-common, dataaccess-request, 
database-common, database-request, derived-parameters-python-common, 
derivedgrid-request, dmw-common, ebxml-registry-common, ebxml-request-router, 
edex-message-common, edex-request, event-common, eventbus-common, 
gempak-common, gempak-request, geo-common, gfe-common, gfe-dataaccess-common, 
gfe-request, gfeactions-request, goessounding-common, gpd-common, gpd-request, 
grid-common, grid-dataaccess-common, grid-request, gridcoverage-common, 
hazard-common, hazard-interop-common, hazard-interop-request, hazard-request, 
hazards-dataplugin-common, intlsigmet-common, level-common, 
levelhandler-common, lma-common, localization-http-request, lsr-common, 
madis-common, manualIngest-common, manualIngest-request, 
maps-dataaccess-common, menus-request, message-common, modelsounding-common, 
modelsounding-dataaccess-common, modis-common, ncep-common, ncpafm-common, 
nctext-common, ncuair-common, ndm-dataplugin-request, nonconvsigmet-common, 
nucaps-common, obs-common, obs-common-dataaccess, obs-message-common, 
obstation-dataaccess-common, parameter-common, pgen-common, pgen-request, 
poessounding-common, pointdata-common, pointdata-request, pointset-common, 
productgen-request, profiler-common, profiler-dataaccess-common, radar-common, 
radar-dataplugin-common, radar-request, recommender-request, redbook-common, 
request-service, request-service-common, satellite-common, 
satellite-dataaccess-common, sfcobs-common, sfcobs-dataaccess-common, 
sgwh-common, sgwhv-common, site-common, site-request, soundingrequest-request, 
ssha-common, stats-common, stats-request, stormtrack-common, svrwx-common, 
taf-common, tcg-common, tcm-common, tcs-common, text-common, text-dbsrv-common, 
text-dbsrv-request, text-request, time-common, topo-dataaccess-common, 
uengine-request, units-common, utility-common, utility-request, vaa-common, 
viirs-common, warning-common, warning-common-dataaccess, warning-request, 

INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:02,277 8735 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
PersistencePathKeySet inited in: 6 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:02,896 8736 [EDEXMain] Reflections: Reflections took 557 
ms to scan 266 urls, producing 40 keys and 5543 values 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:03,067 8737 [EDEXMain] DatabaseClassAnnotationFinder: 
EDEX - Found 243 db classes in 757 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:08,833 8738 [EDEXMain] log: EDEX: EDEX - Loaded Filter 
Patterns from configuredHandlers.xml
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:09,540 8739 [pool-5-thread-1] GFESiteActivation: EDEX - 
Activation task for OAX in progress by another EDEX instance.  Waiting...
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:09,982 8740 [EDEXMain] JmsThreadPoolTaskExecutor: 
Initializing ExecutorService  'genericThreadPool'
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:10,591 8741 [EDEXMain] IniRealm: Roles/permissions 
initialization complete.
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:10,720 8742 [EDEXMain] PublishExternalEvent: EDEX - 
Publishing externally marked events to URI: jms-generic:topic:externalEventTopic
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:11,060 8743 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
StatisticsConfig inited in: 9 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:11,779 8744 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
GeospatialTimeSet inited in: 6 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:12,015 8745 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
ParameterList inited in: 4 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:12,151 8746 [EDEXMain] JmsThreadPoolTaskExecutor: 
Initializing ExecutorService  'mhsThreadPool'
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:12,339 8747 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
DerivParamDesc inited in: 10 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:12,650 8748 [EDEXMain] LevelMappingFactory: EDEX - 
LevelMappingFactory initialization took [17] ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:12,695 8749 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
PointDataDescription inited in: 5 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,653 8750 [EDEXMain] JAXBManager: JAXB context for 
HazardEventGrids inited in: 2 ms
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,808 8751 [EDEXMain] JmsThreadPoolTaskExecutor: 
Shutting down ExecutorService 'mhsThreadPool'
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,813 8752 [EDEXMain] JmsThreadPoolTaskExecutor: 
Shutting down ExecutorService 'genericThreadPool'
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,814 8753 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: Hazard-Event-Purger-context) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,830 8754 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: Hazard-Event-Purger-context) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,832 8755 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: Hazard-Event-Purger-context) is shutdown in 0.017 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,833 8756 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: grid-common-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,833 8757 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: grid-common-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,833 8758 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: grid-common-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8759 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: common-dbsrv-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8760 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: common-dbsrv-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8761 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: common-dbsrv-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8762 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: activetable-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8763 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: activetable-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8764 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: activetable-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,834 8765 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: geospatialDataGenerator-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8766 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: geospatialDataGenerator-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8767 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: geospatialDataGenerator-camel) is shutdown in 0.001 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8768 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-common-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8769 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-common-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8770 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-common-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8771 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: manualFilePushContext) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8772 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: manualFilePushContext) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,835 8773 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: manualFilePushContext) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,836 8774 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: uengine-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,840 8775 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: uengine-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,840 8776 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: uengine-camel) is shutdown in 0.004 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,840 8777 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: request-service-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,841 8778 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: request-service-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,841 8779 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: request-service-camel) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,841 8780 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivationMonitoring) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,841 8781 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivationMonitoring) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,841 8782 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivationMonitoring) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8783 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivation) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8784 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivation) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8785 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: siteActivation) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8786 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: localization-http-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8787 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: localization-http-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8788 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: localization-http-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,842 8789 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: auth-request-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8790 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: auth-request-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8791 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: auth-request-camel) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8792 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: utility-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8793 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: utility-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8794 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: utility-camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,843 8795 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredCamel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8796 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredCamel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8797 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredCamel) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8798 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8799 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8800 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: camel) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8801 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: derivedgrid-update) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8802 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: derivedgrid-update) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,844 8803 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: derivedgrid-update) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8804 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredIscBeans) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8805 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredIscBeans) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8806 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredIscBeans) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8807 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredGfeIscRoutes) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8808 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredGfeIscRoutes) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,845 8809 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: clusteredGfeIscRoutes) is shutdown in 0.000 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,846 8810 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-request-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,846 8811 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-request-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,846 8812 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: gfe-request-camel) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,846 8813 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: textdbsrv-request-camel) is shutting down
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,847 8814 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: textdbsrv-request-camel) uptime 
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,847 8815 [EDEXMain] SpringCamelContext: Apache Camel 
2.18.3 (CamelContext: textdbsrv-request-camel) is shutdown in 0.001 seconds
ERROR 2019-08-15 18:21:13,865 8816 [EDEXMain] Main: Error occurred during 
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[na:1.8.0_101]
        at com.raytheon.uf.edex.esb.Main.main(Main.java:161) 
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[na:1.8.0_101]
        at org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperJVMMain.executeMain(WrapperJVMMain.java:60) 
        at org.rzo.yajsw.app.WrapperJVMMain.main(WrapperJVMMain.java:43) 
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error 
creating bean with name 'HazardEventLockHandler' defined in class path resource 
[res/spring/hazard-request.xml]: Could not resolve matching constructor (hint: 
specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type 
        at com.raytheon.uf.edex.esb.camel.Executor.start(Executor.java:186) 
        ... 11 common frames omitted
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,866 8817 [Thread-8] Executor: 
* EDEX ESB is shutting down                      *
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,866 8818 [Thread-8] Executor: Contexts never started, 
skipping context shutdown
INFO  2019-08-15 18:21:13,866 8819 [Thread-8] Executor: 
* EDEX ESB is shut down                          *
* Total time to shutdown: 0ms
* EDEX ESB uptime: 15.0s

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