Re: [awips2-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: Python

Hi folks,

I have never understood why the Cave client needs to change the default 
behavior of the system.  This is probably okay in a NOAA workplace setting, but 
this is not acceptable/possible in our classroom and laboratory environment.

This has been a huge issue with trying to install this program on ~100 
computers.  Why doesn’t the program installation put these startup files under 
the installation path?  It seems unreasonable to force the system python to be 
the one that is owned and configured under the awips2 installation.

We thought the solution was to use the Windows version of Cave, but now we know 
that it does not come with a Python environment.  The client requires a very 
specific set of 3rd party packages (C++ and Java SDK with specific releases) to 
be installed to get any meaningful functionality beyond satellite and radar 
imagery.  Items as basic as station model plots or “derived model products” 
which apparently includes things like wind speed, which is only marginally 
derived other than coming from the U and V components.

This leaves us with two choices for adopting this tool where neither works 
without a significant effort to manage things on our end.

Is it possible to have the Linux client on an NFS mounted device?  That way we 
might be able to try the suggested method of modifying the startup script.  If 
this is the suggestion for a solution, why not just adopt that as the default?

On a related note, has anyone been able to get Cave to work through SSH tunnels 
to talk to an EDEX server behind a firewall?  I tried and got a message about 
an authentication error, but we don’t knowingly authenticate.

Sorry for the rant, but these are very frustrating problems to face with a 
part-time position to support the classroom infrastructure.

Chris Herbster

Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
Associate Professor
Director of Science and Technology
for the ERAU Weather Center
Applied Aviation Sciences
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900
 386.226.6444 Office
386.226.6446 Weather Center

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From: awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
<awips2-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Michael James
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2019 11:52 AM
To: awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [awips2-users] Python

It's all controlled by /etc/profile.d/ (and awips2.csh).

In that file there is a catch for root 
 not to source the AWIPS env vars beyond that point to avoid conflicting Python 
environments (and thus yum). You can add a similar catch for your own user 
account and prepend /usr/lib64 to the paths (I think that will work), or you 
can move the contents of the file to the top of the /awips2/cave/ script 
and see if that works (I have not tried).

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 7:16 AM G Schuck 
<gschuckle5@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gschuckle5@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Every time I install, reinstall Cave, my Python environment gets clobbered. Is 
it something on my end? Pip and QGIS break... uninstall Cave and they work. 
'Which' python reveals /awips2/python/bin/python, instead of my usual 
/bin/python. Pulling my hair out.
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