[awips2-users] Windows CAVE Stops Responding

A frequent issue this evening. CAVE running with the minimum load when
transferring displays into different panels causes CAVE.exe to stop
responding. I made sure I checked there was not a memory overload of my
system but only using 50% of my physical usage. When loading, for instance,
MRMS reflectivity, topography, and cities after a few moments of the frames
loading, CAVE.exe will stop responding and force closes. Last night was
perfectly fine when running, even used 2 different EDEX servers to see if
data flow was the problem but this is observed on both. Even a reinstall
and deleting the CAVEdata folder problem still remains.

system specs.

Intel I7 8700k Coffee Lake 3.7 mhz
16GB DDR 2400mhz RAM
Geforce GTX 1060 6GB
Samsung 240GB SSD
Windows 10


*~Hunter Clifton Outten~*
*Pattern Cycle Theory Creator*
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