[awips2-users] AWIPS 18.1.1-2 Updates Available

AWIPS 18.1.1-2 updates are now available -

This is a minor release with the following changes for EDEX (no CAVE

   - "edex status" will mute EDEXregistry if Data Delivery/OGC plugins are
   not installed.
   - Data Delivery/OGC plugins are not being used currently, but work is
   ongoing to incorporate them into EDEX (more on this in the future).
   - Replaced missing awips2-python-scipy RPM for CentOS 7.
   - FNMOC grid names corrected in awips2-edex-dataplugins.
   - Updated awips2-ldm and awips2-edex to remove the edex setup command
   from post-RPM scripts, and from EDEX startup, to avoid overwriting user
   edits to the LDM registry.
   - "edex setup" will be a required command after install and before
   starting EDEX services.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
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