[awips2-users] Keybinding Conflicts and Paint Errors in AWIPS CAVE 17.1.1

  • To: "awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <awips2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [awips2-users] Keybinding Conflicts and Paint Errors in AWIPS CAVE 17.1.1
  • From: Brian Bernard <bbernard@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:31:44 +0000
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Is anyone else receiving keybinding conflicts and paint errors (error compiling 
geometry:: The resource [State/County Boundaries] has been disabled when 
starting up CAVE in AWIPS version 17.1.1?

I deleted the caveData directory in my user's account before installing the new 
version of AWIPS and I can also verify that I have the latest version of 
Kmod-nvidia  installed, too.

So, I'm quite puzzled as to why this is happening.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this issue.


Brian Bernard | Meteorological Systems Administrator
The Weather Network | Pelmorex Media Inc.
T: 905.829.1159 x1436  M: 905.920.5166
E: bbernard@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[cid:image003.jpg@01D2FFC1.CE9FB5F0] <http://www.eltiempo.es/>  Your weather 
when it matters(tm)

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