Re: [awips2-users] Unable to connect to LDM

Hi Chris,

The Unidata Program Center does not currently provide IDD feeds to
non-educational sites (e.g., commercial entities like yours seems to be)
there is a measurable benefit to the Unidata community as a whole from
providing that service. For now, in order to ingest real-time data via the
IDD you will need to arrange your own access to an upstream LDM outside of
the UCAR edu network.


Michael James
Unidata Program Center

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO

On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 7:52 AM, MALTESE, CHRISTOPHER <cm1045@xxxxxxx>

> Good morning,
> Hoping that I am posting to the appropriate listserv.  I have installed
> and configured an EDEX server.  Please see log that indicates an inability
> to connect to LDM:
> 20170214T212426.378907Z[94905] WARN
> error.c:236:err_log() Couldn't connect to LDM on
> using either port 388 or portmapper; : RPC: Remote system error -
> Connection refused
> Any guidance?
> TIA,
> //Chris
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