[awips2-users] Unidata releases CAVE for OS X

Hi folks,

Today I made available the first CAVE client for OS X.


This is our 14.4.1 release using jogamp/jogl 2, and there are bound to be
undiscovered bugs.  The D2D, Hydro, MPE, and Localization perspectives are
available, while GFE and the National Centers Perspective have been removed
until I can build the GEMPAK and NSHARP shared libraries for Darwin (this
means no skew-t plugins for now).

For those who are not running their own linux EDEX server, we have an open
server in the Microsoft Azure cloud (edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu) listed by
default in the Connectivity Preferences dialog on startup.

Lastly, instead of ~/caveData/, the local sync is located in ~/Library/CAVE

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
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