# Unidata-Wisconsin (UNIWISC aka MCIDAS) PNG-compressed Products
# Header Format:
#              \1  \2   \3          \4      \5    \6     \7
#           Qx pd anum SAT         BAND    RES CCYYMMDD HHMM
# pnga2area Q0 CF 0015 GOES-10_SND UNKBAND 1km 20000525 2000
#           Qx       - update frequency
#           pd       - McIDAS routing table product code
#           anum     - McIDAS routing table default AREA number
#           SAT      - satellite platform
#           BAND     - wavelength channel (if appropriate)
#           RES      - product resolution (nominal)
#           CCYYMMDD - date
#           HHMM     - time (UTC)
# McIDAS Product Codes and System Key Table entries used for Menu System
# Code   Resolution  Description                         SYSKEY.TAB words used
#  CA     480x1160   CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure                2173 2174 2175
#  CB     440x1160   CIMSS Precipitable Water                2176 2177 2178
#  CC    2160x4320   CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature           2179 2180 2181
#  CD     440x1160   CIMSS Lifted Index                      2182 2183 2184
#  CE     440x1160   CIMSS CAPE                              2185 2186 2187
#  CF     440x1160   CIMSS Ozone                             2188 2189 2190
#  CG     800x400    CIMSS Wildfire ABBA North America
#  CH    1675x1156   CIMSS Wildfire ABBA South America
#  EV   10904x6928   GOES-East Western Hemisphere 1 km Visible
#  UV    2726x1732   GOES-East Eastern US Visible            2146 2147 2148
#  UD    2726x1732   GOES-East Eastern US 3.9 um
#  UI    2726x1732   GOES-East Eastern US Infrared           2143 2144 2145
#  UW    2726x1732   GOES-East Eastern US Water Vapor        2149 2150 2151
#  UE    2726x1732   GOES-East Eastern US CO2
#  U9    1400x1740   GOES-West Western US Visible            2116 2117 2118
#  U7    1400x1740   GOES-West Western US 3.9 um
#  UB    1400x1740   GOES-West Western US Water Vapor        2104 2105 2106
#  U5    1400x1740   GOES-West Western US Infrared           2113 2114 2115
#  U8    1400x1740   GOES-West Western US CO2
#  CV     592x1204   GOES-East/West Visible Composite        2164 2165 2166
#  CS     592x1204   GOES-East/West 3.9 um Composite
#  CW     592x1204   GOES-East/West Water Vapor Composite    2167 2168 2169
#  CI     592x1204   GOES-East/West Infrared Composite       2161 2162 2163
#  CL     592x1204   GOES-East/West CO2 Composite
#  GW    1024x2048   Global Rectilinear Wv Composite
#  GI    1024x2048   Global Rectilinear IR Composite
#  UY     700x1280   Global Mollweide Water Vapor Composite  2152 2153 2154
#  UX     700x1280   Global Mollweide Infrared Composite     2122 2123 2124
#  U3     350x640    Manually Digitized Radar                2110 2111 2112
#  UJ    2176x2176   Antarctic VIS Composite
#  UF    2176x2176   Antarctic WV Composite
#  U1    2176x2176   Antarctic IR composite                  2119 2120 2121
#  UK    2176x2176   Antarctic PseudoColor Composite
#  X1    2176x2176   Antarctic Shortwave IR Composite
#  X2    2176x2176   Antarctic Longwave IR Composite
#  UL    2176x2176   Arctic  VIS    Composite
#  UN    2176x2176   Arctic  3.8 um Composite
#  UG    2176x2176   Arctic  6.7 um Composite
#  UH    2176x2176   Arctic 11.0 um Composite
#  UO    2176x2176   Arctic 12.0 um Composite         
#------------------------------ Inactive -------------------------------------
#  UA     480x640    Educational floater I                   2101 2102 2103
#  UC     480x640    Educational floater II                  2170 2171 2172
#  UR     480x640    Research floater                        2107 2108 2109
#  N1     700x864    GOES-East IR/Topography Composite       2125 2126 2127
#  N2     700x864    GOES-East VIS/Topography Composite      2128 2129 2130
#  N3     666x884    GOES-West IR/Topography Composite       2131 2132 2133
#  N4     666x884    GOES-West VIS/Topography Composite      2134 2135 2136
#  N5     480x640    MDR/Topography Composite                2137 2138 2139
#  N6     700x1280   Mollweide WV/Topography Composite       2140 2141 2142
#  N7    1232x1252   GOES-E/W IR/Topography Composite        2155 2156 2157
#  N8    1232x1252   GOES-E/W VIS/Topography Composite       2158 2159 2160
#  N9    1232x1252   GOES-E/W WV/Topography Composite

# The following decode actions are included to use the McIDAS
# routing table, ROUTE.SYS to kick off image processing
# NOTE: GOES-15 was put into standby mode by NOAA on March 2, 2020.
#       It is scheduled to be turned back on in late August 2020
#       for use in monitoring eastern Pacific hurricanes.
#       The GW (e.g., GW-VIS, etc.) products in the listing below
#       stopped flowing in the Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feedtype
#       UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS) when GOES-15 was put into standby mode,
#       so the actions are now considered archaic

UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UV) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GE-VIS -r \1,\2

UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UD) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GE-39 -r \1,\2

UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UW) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GE-WV -r \1,\2

UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UI) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GE-IR -r \1,\2

UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UE) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GE-CO2 -r \1,\2

# RTIMAGES GW-VIS :: ARCHAIC as of March 2, 2020
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U9) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GW-VIS -r \1,\2

# RTIMAGES GW-39 :: ARCHAIC as of March 2, 2020
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U7) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GW-39 -r \1,\2

# RTIMAGES GW-WV :: ARCHAIC as of March 2, 2020
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UB) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GW-WV -r \1,\2

# RTIMAGES GW-IR :: ARCHAIC as of March 2, 2020
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U5) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GW-IR -r \1,\2

# RTIMAGES GW-CO2 :: ARCHAIC as of March 2, 2020
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U8) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	PIPE	-close
	decoders/pnga2area -vl /usr/local/ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
	-a etc/SATANNOT
	-b etc/SATBAND
	-d /data/ldm/pub/decoded/mcidas/RTIMAGES/GW-CO2 -r \1,\2

# Unidata-Wisconsin products FILEd into a GEMPAK directory/name hierarchy

# ---------------- GOES-East and West Image Sectors ----------------
# NOTE: the actions in this section are for GOES-East (GOES-16) and
#       GOES-West (GOES-17) images that were added to the
#       Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feedtype UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS)) feed
#       on March 2, 2020.

# GOES-East and West Full Disk 0.64 um Visible
# pnga2area Q5 FDC02 1335 GOES-16_IMG 0.64um 4.0km 20180420 191543
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (FDC02) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Full Disk 6.2 um Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q5 FDC08 1235 GOES-16_IMG 6.17um 4.0km 20181022 164537
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (FDC08) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Full Disk 10.3 um Thermal IR
# pnga2area Q5 FDC13 1335 GOES-16_IMG 10.3um 4.0km 20180420 191543
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (FDC13) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West CONUS 0.64 um Visible
# pnga2area Q7 CNC02 1234 GOES-16_IMG 0.64um 0.5km 20180420 193724
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CNC02) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West CONUS 6.2 um Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q7 CNC08 1234 GOES-16_IMG 6.17um 2.0km 20181022 165719
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CNC08) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West CONUS 10.3 um Thermal IR
# pnga2area Q7 CNC13 1234 GOES-16_IMG 10.3um 2.0km 20180420 193724
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CNC13) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-1 0.64 um Visible
# pnga2area Q8 M1C02 1236 GOES-16_IMG 0.64um 0.5km 20180420 193732
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M1C02) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-1 6.2 um Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q8 M1C08 1236 GOES-16_IMG 6.17um 2.0km 20181022 165927
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M1C08) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-1 10.3 um Thermal IR
# pnga2area Q8 M1C13 1236 GOES-16_IMG 10.3um 2.0km 20180420 193732
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M1C13) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-2 0.64 um Visible
# pnga2area Q8 M2C02 1237 GOES-16_IMG 0.64um 0.5km 20180420 193702
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M2C02) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-2 6.2 um Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q8 M2C08 1237 GOES-16_IMG 6.17um 2.0km 20181022 165937
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M2C08) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East and West Mesoscale-2 10.3 um Thermal IR
# pnga2area Q8 M2C13 1237 GOES-16_IMG 10.3um 2.0km 20180420 193702
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (M2C13) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West Northern Hemisphere Composite Visible
# pnga2area Q5 NCC02 1235 GOES-16_IMG 0.64um 4.0km 20180924 201637
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (NCC02) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West Northern Hemisphere Composite Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q5 NCC08 1235 GOES-16_IMG 6.17um 4.0km 20181002 201537
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (NCC08) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West Northern Hemisphere Composite Thermal Infrared
# pnga2area Q5 NCC13 1235 GOES-16_IMG 10.3um 4.0km 20181002 201537
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (NCC13) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (......)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East High Resolution Visible
# pnga2area Q1 EV 1283 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 1km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 EV 1283 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 1km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (EV) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East Visible
# pnga2area Q1 UV 143 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 4km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 UV 143 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 4km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UV) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East Shortwave Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 UD 1223 GOES-13_IMG 3.9um 4km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 UD 1223 GOES-13_IMG 3.9um 4km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UD) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q1 UW 213 GOES-13_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 UW 213 GOES-13_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UW) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East Thermal Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 UI 153 GOES-13_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 UI 153 GOES-13_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UI) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East Longwave Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 UE 1233 GOES-13_IMG 13.3um 4km 20140323 1515
# pnga2area Q3 UE 1233 GOES-13_IMG 13.3um 4km 20140323 1545
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UE) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-West Visible
# pnga2area Q1 U9 123 GOES-15_IMG 0.62um 4km 20140323 1500
# pnga2area Q3 U9 123 GOES-15_IMG 0.62um 4km 20140323 1530
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U9) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-West Shortwave Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 U7 1243 GOES-15_IMG 3.9um 4km 20140323 1500
# pnga2area Q3 U7 1243 GOES-15_IMG 3.9um 4km 20140323 1530
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U7) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-West Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q1 UB 173 GOES-15_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1500
# pnga2area Q3 UB 173 GOES-15_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1530
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UB) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-West Thermal Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 U5 133 GOES-15_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1500
# pnga2area Q3 U5 133 GOES-15_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1530
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U5) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-West Longwave Infrared
# pnga2area Q1 U8 1253 GOES-15_IMG 13.3um 4km 20140323 1500
# pnga2area Q3 U8 1253 GOES-15_IMG 13.3um 4km 20140323 1530
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U8) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ---------------- Floating Sectors (inactive) ------------------
# NOTE: the actions in this section are for archaic products.

# Educational Floater-I (inactive)
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UA) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Educational Floater-II (inactive)
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UC) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Research Floater (inactive)
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UR) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# -------- GOES-East/West Northern Hemisphere Composites --------
# NOTE: the actions in this section are for archaic products.

# GOES-East/West VIS composites
# pnga2area Q0 CV 90 GOES-13_IMG 0.63um 4km 20140323 1745
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CV) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West 3.9 um composites
# pnga2area Q0 CS 60 GOES-13_IMG 3.9um 4km 20140323 1745
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CS) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West WV composites
# pnga2area Q0 CW 70 GOES-13_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1745
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CW) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West IR composites
# pnga2area Q0 CI 80 GOES-13_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1745
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CI) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# GOES-East/West 13.3 um composites
# pnga2area Q0 CL 50 GOES-13_IMG 13.3um 4km 20140323 1745
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (CL) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ------------------- SSEC Global Composites -------------------
# NOTE: these products are active

# Global WV composite
# pnga2area Q0 GW 1260 GOES-13_IMG 6.5um 4km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (GW) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Global IR composites
# pnga2area Q0 GI 1270 GOES-13_IMG 10.7um 4km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (GI) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ----------------- Mollweide Global Composites -----------------
# NOTE: these products are active

# Mollweide Global Water Vapor
# pnga2area Q0 UY 111 GOES-13_IMG 6.5um 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UY) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Mollweide Global IR
# pnga2area Q0 UX 101 GOES-13_IMG 10.7um 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UX) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# -------------------- AMRC Arctic Composites --------------------
# NOTE: these products are active

# Arctic VIS Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UL 1280 NP_COMP 0.65um 1km 20140323 1400
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UL) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Arctic SW Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UN 1290 NP_COMP 3.8um 1km 20140323 1442
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UN) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Arctic WV Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UG 60 NP_COMP 6.7um 1km 20140323 1436
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UG) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Arctic IR Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UH 160 NP_COMP 11.0um 1km 20140323 1400
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UH) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Arctic LW Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UO 1300 NP_COMP 12.0um 1km 20140323 1454
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UO) (.*) (.*) (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ------------------ AMRC Antarctic Composites ------------------
# NOTE: these products are active

# Antarctic VIS Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UJ 1260 GOES-9_IMG UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UJ) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Antarctic Shortwave IR Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UF 180 SP_COMP 6.7um 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (X1) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Antarctic PCOL Composite
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UK) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Antarctic WV Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UF 180 GOES-9_IMG UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (UF) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Antarctic Composite IR
# pnga2area Q0 U1 190 GOES-9_IMG UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U1) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# Antarctic Longwave IR Composite
# pnga2area Q0 UF 180 SP_COMP 6.7um 1km 20140323 1500
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (X2) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ------------------ Manually Digitized Radar ------------------
# NOTE: the manually digitized radar product is archaic

# Manually Digitized Radar
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (U3) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# ---------------- CIMSS Multichannel Products -----------------
# NOTE: these CIMSS multichannel products are archaic

# CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
# pnga2area Q0 CE 1140 GOES-15_SND UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1700
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure - McIDAS product code CA
# pnga2area Q0 CA 1100 GOES-15_SND UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1700
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CA .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# CIMSS Lifted Index - McIDAS product code CD
# pnga2area Q0 CD 1130 GOES-15_SND UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1700
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CD .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# CIMSS Ozone - McIDAS product code CF
# pnga2area Q0 CF 1150 GOES-15_SND UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1700
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CF .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# CIMSS Total Column Precipitable Water - McIDAS product code CB
# pnga2area Q0 CB 1110 GOES-15_SND UNKBAND 1km 20140323 1700
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CB .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
	FILE	-close

# CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature - McIDAS product code CC
# pnga2area Q0 CC 1120 COMPOSITE UNKBAND 1km 20140323 0000
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CC .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# CIMSS Northern Hemisphere Wildfire ABBA - McIDAS product code CG (inactive)
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CG (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# CIMSS Southern Hemisphere Wildfire ABBA - McIDAS product code CH (inactive)
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q0 CH (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# ---------------- GOES-R L2 Products -----------------
# NOTE: the actions in this section are for Level 2 products created
#       using GOES-16 imagery (and other sources).  They were added
#       to the Unidata-Wisconsin (IDD feed type UNIwISC (aka MCIDAS))
#       feed on March 2, 2020.
# pnga2area Q7 CNCAPE 3520 GOES-16_PRD L2:DSI 10km 20200123 222113
# pnga2area Q7 CNCTPR 3490 GOES-16_PRD L2:CTP 10km 20200123 222613
# pnga2area Q7 CNLI 3510 GOES-16_PRD L2:DSI 10km 20200123 222113
# pnga2area Q7 CNTPW 3720 GOES-16_PRD L2:TPW 10km 20200123 222113
# pnga2area Q0 FDSST 3711 GOES-16_PRD L2:SST 2km 20200123 210016
# pnga2area Q6 FDRRQPE 3701 GOES-16_PRD L2:RRQP 2km 20200123 221016

# Cloud Top Pressure
# pnga2area Q7 CNCTPR 3490 GOES-16_PRD L2:CTP 10km 20200123 193613
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)CTPR .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# Lifted Index - Derived Stability Indicies Band 8
# pnga2area Q7 CNLI 3510 GOES-16_PRD L2:DSI 10km 20200123 193613
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)LI .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# CAPE - Derived Stability Indicies Band 9
# pnga2area Q7 CNCAPE 3520 GOES-16_PRD L2:DSI 10km 20200123 193613
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)CAPE .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# Total Precipitable Water
# pnga2area Q7 CNTPW 3720 GOES-16_PRD L2:TPW 10km 20200123 193113
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)TPW .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)RRQPE .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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# Sea Surface Temperature
# pnga2area Q0 FDSST 3711 GOES-16_PRD L2:SST 2km 20200123 180016
UNIWISC	^pnga2area Q. (..)SST .... (.*)_PRD (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
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