Status Report: October 2010

Michael James

Strategic Focus Areas

This effort supports the following Unidata funding proposal focus areas:

  1. Broadening participation and expanding community services
    by providing the tools and data required and expected by the atmospheric science education and research community
  2. Advancing data services
    by providing data support and decoders for the atmospheric science education and research communities
  3. Developing and deploying useful tools
    by providing GEMPAK free-of-charge
  4. Enhancing user support services
    by providing free installation, configuration and maintainance support via email/ticketing and remote-access and site visits

Activities Since the Last Status Report

    GEMPAK 5.11.4 was released in April, 2010. Since then 3 updates have been provided, one for grid diagnostic bugs, one for GOES 13/14/15 handling, and one netCDF update (see below)
    Update to netCDF library (v3.6.2 -> v4.1.1) - problems resolved include automake version incompatability and build sequence (problem was limited to manpage build, but affected the entire library build). Initial testing on Unidata, NOAA and university systems (Aug 2010 to present) has been positive - update will be included in GEMPAK v6.2.0 release.
    High-resolution NEXRAD Level-III - NAWIPS/individual site radar support implemented in v5.11.4, but national radar composite generation (nex2img/nex2gini) has required changes to the NCEP baseline (in progress).
    TWDR/NEXRAD Level-III handling: DVL, EET, DHR, DSP

Ongoing/Planned Activities

    Installation & configuration documnetaton update (link)
    FAQ - common problems
    NEXRAD dual-polarization support
    Test GEMPAK v6.2.0 access to AWIPS-II database
    Explore and implement svn repository for community-supported legacy GEMPAK