Policy Committee Action Summary
29 January 1999


Boulder, Colorado

There were no resolutions taken during this meeting.

Action 1: Domenico will confer with Mary Marlino in an effort to continue having Unidata Users Committee representation on the PAGE Steering Committee.

Action 2: The question of whether Unidata should discontinue licenses will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Actions deferred from the October 1998 meeting:

Action 9810.2: The UPC will send a letter to the community explaining the upcoming changes to the NWS NIDS contract; an article on this should also appear in the next issue of the newsletter.

Per discussions with NWS, this was not included in the newsletter because a new arrangement with vendors has not yet been established. A letter will be written with the situation is clarified.

Action 9810.4: The UPC will develop a plan for advising users on how to comply with NWS international data restrictions, identifying the costs involved, and report on this at the next Policy Committee meeting.

The precise nature of these restrictions still has not been determined, so such a plan is not yet practical. Dave was invited to another international meeting on this subject in Dallas during the weekend preceding the AMS conference. See his status report.

Action 9810.5: Fulker will draft a letter to Gen. Kelly expressing an interest in being kept informed of N-AWIPS developments. The letter should indicate Unidata's awareness of NWS priorities.

A draft of the letter is linked from Dave's status report.

Action9810.6: Fulker will look into obtaining a release of GARP from COMET.

In progress.

Action 9810.7: Fulker will prepare for a more focused discussion at the next meeting; the topic will be data access and software compatibility , and an SCD representative will be present.

We're working on this. Dave will be meeting with Al Kellie, the new SCD director. We hope data access and software compatibility will be agenda items for the May 1999 meeting.

Action 9810.8: Fulker will contact Dan Atkins (UARC), the NASA DAACs, and IRIS about concepts involved in facilitating access to retrospective data.

Action 9810. 9: Before the next meeting, the Policy Committee members will reflect on the relative priorities of accessing retrospective data vs other advancement projects.



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