Actions from the February 5-6, 1998
Policy Committee Meeting

Action 1:
UPC staff should pull together an annotated bibliography of the science involved in the SuomiNet proposal and add links on the SuomiNet Web page to current SuomiNet-like products.

Done. See SuomiNet Reference Publications. See particularly Bevis 1992.

 Action 2:
The Users Committee will discuss NOAAport issues at its next meeting.

Done. See the Summary of the March 1998 Unidata Users Committee.

Action 3:
The UPC will write a letter to the DeSouza family asking permission to use his name.

Done; letter in the notebook

Action 4:
 The UPC will hold discussions with UCAR management about the possibility of using UCAR funds for a cash award.

Done. Copies of our e-mail exchange are in the notebook.

Action 5:
Bates will contact the AMS about the possibility of their sponsoring  the Russell DeSouza award.

Done. New awards may be proposed to the AMS executive committee, which passes approved possibilities on to the AMS Council for final decision. According to Keith Seitter, the AMS will not consider an award directed toward a particular organization or program.

Action 6:
The final form of the award, which depends on the results of Actions 3-5, will be a topic on the next agenda.

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