Policy Committee Meeting Summary:
May 29-30, 1997

Boulder, Colorado




UPC Staff
Otis Brown (Chair) Richard Anthes (UCAR) Sally Bates
Ken Crawford David Fulker (UPC) Steve Chiswell
Robert Fox Robert Gall (NCAR/MMM) Ben Domenico
Colleen Leary Jewel Prendeville (NSF/ATM) Jo Hansen
John Merrill Mohan Ramamurthy (U. Ill./Users) Linda Miller
Jim Moore


Sandra Nilsson
Julie Winkler Richard Chinman (UCAR/IITA)

Administrative Matters

UOP Reorganization

UCAR President Rick Anthes briefed the committee on changes to UCAR's management, including the resignation of UOP director Bill Pennell and the hiring of Jack Fellows to fill Pennell's position. Kathryn Schmoll will be assuming the position of UCAR Vice President for Finance and Administration, replacing Bill Rawson, who retires in September. Both will assume their positions at the end of the summer.

Status Reports

Director's Report
Copies of Fulker's Director's Report were distributed at the meeting; Nilsson's budget report is in the notebook.


Action 1:
The UPC will look into the software programs used in other branches of the NWS, particularly the Office of Hydrology.

Users Committee Report
The Users Committee plans for the summer workshop, including the draft program, are documented in the notebook. Ramamurthy reported that 54 participants had signed up. In other arenas, Ramamurthy noted that:


NOAA Report
Bob Fox spoke with Doug Sargeant; a summary of his conversation was distributed at the meeting. Fulker had also met with Sargeant prior to the Policy Committee meeting and reported that they discussed university/NWS interactions, among other topics. Sargeant believes that the NWS is willing to share software with universities but the mechanisms for doing so are complicated.


NSF Report

Jewel Prendeville reported on NSF for Bernard Grant, who was unable to attend due to his active status as a new parent. Copies of Prendeville's report were distributed at the meeting. Not on her slides were the following pieces of information:

In addition to her report on the education efforts at NSF/Geo, she noted that:

Operating Systems: Issues and Plans

Fulker outlined recent events on the issue of which operating systems the program should support. He noted that, in addition to the goals set in the proposal to NSF and the resolutions listed on the agenda for this meeting, the UPC was under pressure to support LINUX. Unfortunately, LINUX, while running on PCs, is still a UNIX system and therefore difficult to administer; further, there are many variants of LINUX, so it potentially would add to the support. burden. Therefore, the UPC recommends not supporting LINUX.

The question to the committee was: How will Unidata achieve platform independence? Fulker presented his view of Unidata's goals and a strategy for handling the transition (copies of his presentations were distributed at the meeting). His presentation was entitled "Toward Java and Platform Independence."


Resolution 1:

In view of

the Policy Committee endorses the principles expressed in Dave Fulker's presentation, "Toward Java and Platform Independence," namely:

Resolution 2:

The Policy Committee requests the UPC develop a transition plan from OS/2 and UNIX to a system involving a Java-based client-server implementation. The transition should include the following steps:

Functions should be added to the client-side Java application as quickly as practical, eventually allowing it to replace platform-dependent systems. The transition plan will be developed by the UPC and discussed by the Users Committee, ATAC, and the Policy Committee; it will include a time line and a resource allocation table. The plan should include support for OS/2 and UNIX users until the capability of the Java application addresses most user needs.


Developing a network of universities receiving GPS data will be the subject of a proposal to NSF next year for funding under the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) program. With the permission of the Suomi family, the network, if it materializes, will be called SuomiNet.

Steve Chiswell presented the capabilities of GPS data and demonstrated how these data could enhance current models and be used in other disciplines such as engineering.


Strategies for Distributing NEXRAD Data

Fulker reminded the Committee of his letter of April 1996 to the National Weather Service (in the notebook) commenting on the future of NIDS. University participation in NIDS is limited due to costs and to vendor policies. Sargeant had indicated that the NWS may be considering changing its arrangements with NIDS vendors since the service itself has some concerns about the current arrangement. Arriving a new arrangements, however, is difficult since there are several levels of bureaucracy that need to be involved.

Fulker outline possible Unidata courses of action:


Action 2:
The Unidata users Committee needs to articulate the needs of the Unidata community for NEXRAD data streams, both currently and in the foreseeable future.

Strategies for Distributing NOAAport

The cost of FOS will increase with time as fewer and fewer people access it. What should be Unidata's plan for the transition? Fulker identified the following alternatives:


UOP PAGE Proposal

Sally Bates informed the committee of UCAR's response to the September 1996 Users Committee resolution on obtaining help from Unidata in using technology in the classroom. As a result of that resolution and a similar one from the October meeting of the AMS Heads and Chairs, Unidata and COMET began collaborating on a response. COMET has reorganized its Educational Resource Center into the Program for the Advancement of Geoscience Education (PAGE) program, now a new UOP program under the interim directorship of Mary Marlino. Marlino, with Unidata's Ben Domenico as co-principal investigator, has submitted a proposal to NSF to fund an assessment of what the university community needs and to develop a consensus on what the next steps should be. The proposal differs little from the concepts presented to the committee in January. As part of the process of developing the proposal, there is now a PAGE steering committee (a list of the committee's members was distributed). NSF has sent the proposal out for review and expects the decision on funding to be forthcoming.


NASA Cooperative Agreement Notices (CANs 1 & 2)

Copies of the agreement notices are in the notebook. Bob Fox was at the preproposal conference and made the following observations:

Fulker and Fox identified three possible options:


The meeting adjourned 45 minutes ahead of schedule; the Unidata meeting bell was passed by outgoing chair Otis Brown to incoming chair John Merrill.

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