May-June 1996 Action Items: Status

As of September 1996

Action 1:
The UPC will establish a password-protected Web directory for Policy Committee materials, including the summaries of past meetings.

Done. Cf:

Action 2:
Action 9 from the September 1995 meeting--which states that the Policy Committee agenda should include a discussion of Unidata's name--will appear on the agenda for the September 1996 meeting.

Postponed. This topic does not require immediate attention as there are no pressing issues attached. Consideration of a change of name for Unidata is better held for a later date when the implications of initiatives such as widening Unidata's users base are clearer.

Action 3:
The UPC, with help from Otis Brown, will develop a Web page of information on EOS products of potential interest to the Unidata community.

Done. Cf:

Action 4:
The UPC will develop a worst-case scenario in terms of budget for FY 1996; in the process the UPC will identify what it believes must be protected at all cost.


Action 5:
The UPC will explore avenues to diversified funding, preferably on a 5-year basis.

In progress. See Director's Report.

Action 6:
The UPC will discuss with NSF the possibility of accessing funds from the EHR directorate

In progress

Action 7:
Nominations for Users Committee membership will be accepted by Linda Miller until June 15. The Policy Committee will then, via e-mail discussions and preferably by the end of June, make a final selection from the nominations.


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