March 1994 Action Items: Status

As of June 1994

Action 1:
The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC:

  1. Investigate at what point will there be replication of data in the IDD and Unidata/Wisconsin data streams;
  2. Define what the alternatives are for supporting the OS/2 stream as separate from the IDD
  3. Estimate the resources required to build an on-site OS/2 database of the Unidata/Wisconsin stream.

In progress.

Action 2:
The Policy Committee recommends that a User Committee subcommittee look into the problem of proliferating servers and the need for mirror sites for the most popular servers.

Postponed until after the Users Workshop

Action 3:
Bob Fox and Bill Bonner will develop a letter of concern addressed to the appropriate individuals uring the continuation of the Wind Profiler Demonstration Network.


Action 4:
John Snow will alert the UCAR Board of Trustees to the Policy Committee's concerns about data exchange and data access in the current international environment.


Action 5:
Schedule plenty of time for a NOAAport discussion at the next Washington meeting of the commitee (October).

Not applicable to this meeting

Action 6:
Schedule a discussion of Unidata's role in the context of NSF's overall istitutional vision and goals as opposed to Unidata's role as an NSF/ATM program.

On current agenda

Action 7:
By the next Policy Committee Meeting, the UPC will address the following:

  1. Define the scope of the IDD undertaking:
    • data sets involved
    • community served
  2. Define the philosophy of operation. For each layers:
    • how will the IDD function in normal mode?
    • how will it continue to operate under various degraded situations?
  3. Define the requirements for each level of node:
    • people
    • power
    • management
    • network
  4. Develop an Implementation Plan
  5. Develop a Node Selection Plan (i.e., define the deployment criteria
  6. Gather statistics on server congestion problems in the underlying network.

    See IDD materials in Status Report and in Section A tabs of this notebook.

    Action 8:
    The UPC will draft a policy on platform support and circulate it via email to the Policy Committee.


    Action 9:
    The topic of University Proposals with UPC-Components will be on the agenda for the next Policy Committee meeting.

    On current agenda.

    Action 10:
    The Winter Newsletter should include a note that NIDS and FOS vendors have been chosen.


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