Policy Committee Meeting Summary: March 3-4, 1994

Boulder, Colorado


Members Representatives UPC Staff
Robert Fox (Chair) William Bonner (UCAR) Sally Bates
Otis Brown Bill Buzbee (NCAR/SCD) Ben Domenico
Russell DeSouza David Fulker (UPC)Linda Henderson
John Nielsen-Gammon Robert Gall (NCAR/MMM) Linda Miller
Perry Samson Clifford Jacobs (NSF) Sandra Nilsson
Carlyle Wash Mohan Ramamurthy (Users Committee)
John Snow (UCAR Board of Trustees)
Timothy Spangler (COMET)

Administrative Matters:

Status Reports

Director's Report
Copies of Dave Fulker's Director's Report and slides were distributed at the meeting.


Action 1:
The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC:

  1. Investigate at what point will there be replication of data in the IDD and Unidata/Wisconsin data streams;
  2. Define what the alternatives are for supporting the OS/2 stream as separate from the IDD
  3. Estimate the resources required to build an on-site OS/2 database of the Unidata/Wisconsin stream.

Action 2:
The Policy Committee recommends that a User Committee subcommittee look into the problem of proliferating servers and the need for mirror sites for the most popular servers.

Budget Report
Copies of Sandra Nilsson's transparencies are in the notebookwere distributed.

There was no discussion.

Users Committee
Mohan Ramamurthy summarized the February Users Committee meeting (a copy of the summary appears in the notebook), including Users Committee reactions to the results of last fall's community survey. He brought the committee up do date on planning for the June workshop, noting that there were 33 applications to attend, not including committee members and UPC staff.


Resolution 1:
The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC plan a regional workshop on K-12 outreach by the atmospheric science community.

Action 3:
Bob Fox and Bill Bonner will develop a letter of concern addressed to the appropriate individuals uring the continuation of the Wind Profiler Demonstration Network.

External Programs Status
Linda Miller announced that she has accepted a part-time position with Project Globe, remaining part-time in Unidata as well. Her Unidata time will be devoted to the Users Committee, data access issues, and associate participation.


Action 4:
John Snow will alert the UCAR Board of Trustees to the Policy Committee's concerns about data exchange and data access in the current international environment.

NOAA Report
Fox spoke with Doug Sargeant and filed the following report:

  1. On international data access: the rush to commercialize weather data appears to be slowing. This topic is on the European Community agenda in June. The U.S. positions remains strongly in favor of the free exchange of data.
  2. NOAAport Schedule:
    Jan. 95: First test of the broadcast
    July 95: First field site equipped
    March 96: First 8-site deployment
  3. NEXRAD: deployed at Norman, OK on 1 March, first commission has 46 radars being delivered to the National Weather Service.


Action 5:
Schedule plenty of time for a NOAAport discussion at the next Washington meeting of the commitee (October).

National Science Foundation Report
Cliff Jacobs presented a dramatic summary of the budget situation at NSF, including previews so-called Branscomb Report (due to be released this spring) that paints a vision of the Foundation for the coming years. High-Performance Computing is essential to this vision. Jacobs also summarized how National Information Infrastructure (NII) developments are affecting the High Performance Computing and Communications programs, specifically the component called Information Infrastructure Technology and Applications (IITA). He noted that Unidata's mission falls under this rubric. Copies of Jacob's transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


Action 6:
Schedule a discussion of Unidata's role in the context of NSF's overall istitutional vision and goals as opposed to Unidata's role as an NSF/ATM program.

IDD Status
Hard copies of Ben's slides were distributed at the meeting.


  • There were several basic questions about the IDD that remain to be answered: scalability (UPC doesn't know how many sites have sufficient bandwidth); deployment (the UPC is having difficulty finding relay sites; has yet to identify a final topology); reliability (what's really acceptable?), data (what data should the UPC be responsible for)?
  • Community expectations may be unrealistic. There was concern that the search for relay sites would bring in a flood of applicants by sites simply wanting IDD access immediately. Committee felt that an implementation plan should be created and publicized within the community indicating that full deployment was still in the future.
  • There is interest in IDD beyond the atmospheric sciences community. Unidata is building a prototype IDD; the prototype will prove/disprove the concept on a limited scale. If the IDD wants to expland beyond atmospheric sciences, the IDD can then be passed off to others to expand.
  • May want to bring network providers (e.g., MCI) into the IDD deployment since they can use the IDD to sell products.
  • NSF/CISE will be interested in end-to-end network performance figures; they don't gather statistics this way. For example, satellite broadcast and IDD statistics aren't comparable since error-free seconds and packets lost are different. UPC may need to look at products instead of packets. Toward this end, IDD developers have discussed adding unique headers to products; may accomplish this in LDM5.

Action 7:
By the next Policy Committee Meeting, the UPC will address the following:

  1. Define the scope of the IDD undertaking:
    • data sets involved
    • community served
  2. Define the philosophy of operation. For each layers:
    • how will the IDD function in normal mode?
    • how will it continue to operate under various degraded situations?
  3. Define the requirements for each level of node:
    • people
    • power
    • management
    • network
  4. Develop an Implementation Plan
  5. Develop a Node Selection Plan (i.e., define the deployment criteria
  6. Gather statistics on server congestion problems in the underlying network.

    Project Globe

    The Policy Committee heard a briefing by Sushel Unninayar on the Globe Program, a Vice Presidential initiative that is a multi-agency planning effort involving NOAA, NASA, EPA, NSF, OEP, OSTP, DoEd, et al. The program will be announced on Earth Day, 22 April, by V.P. Gore. The purpose of the project is to engage the world community in environmental observations and analyses. More specifically, Globe aims to involve some of the 2 billion students world wide in making scientifically valid observations and using the observations in their curricula to learn about their environment. FY 94-96 will be focused on a coordinated planning and rapid prototyping effort. They hope to have 1,000 schools involved world-wide by the end of FY 96. UCAR will take part in the initial planning during 1994 and create a plan for FY95-96, which will be integrated into the Washington, D.C. planning effort.


    • Software,networking, and observing are only part of the problem. Education considerations (i.e., meeting national/state curriculum guideslines), providing technical support to education administrators, and training teachers are harder to do. These are not issues of money, but of knowledge and attitude. They could hinder the implementation of a project like Globe.
    • The committee questioned Unidata's role in the program. The UPC has agreed only to help in setting up interactive computing systems and to help set the networking standards. The role is advisory only, although IDD may become the underlying technology.
    • Naval forecasters have adopt-a-school programs; Globe may want to connect with them.
    • High-school science programs are difficult to change; students lack enthusiasm.

    Platform Support Policy

    Action 8:
    The UPC will draft a policy on platform support and circulate it via email to the Policy Committee.

    University Proposals with UPC-Components

    Action 9:
    The topic of University Proposals with UPC-Components will be on the agenda for the next Policy Committee meeting.

    NIDS and FOS Procurement

    Dave Fulker reported that Unidata selected two vendors: Alden for FOS data and WSI for NIDS data. The UPC is pleased with the RFP results.


    • Community will be anxious to begin accessing the NIDs data. Need to inform them what NIDS data are, what the costs will be, that there is no display software, and when the data will be available.
    • Need to claify usage contraints. UPC's role is to outline the constraints; final decisions, however, are to be negotiated between the university and the vendor.

    Resolution 2:
    The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC publish a "special edition" of the Unidata Newsletter as soon as practical covering those aspects of the FOS and NIDS contracts that the community needs to know and that serves as a reference for acquiring and using FOS and NIDS data and products within the spirit and letter of the contracts. The impending newsletter should advertise the upcoming special edition if possible.

    Action 10:
    The Winter Newsletter should include a note that NIDS and FOS vendors have been chosen.

    MOSAIC Demo

    Mohan Ramamurthy demonstrated the new World Wide Web server developed by the University of Illionois.

    Lightning Data

    Dave Fulker reported that SUNY-Albany is willing to make lightning data available via the Internet. Site desiring these data need to make individual arrangements with SUNY-Albany. This is not a "supported" data stream.


    • Need to differentiation between the IDD and the Internet being used by someone with an LDM.
    • Since bandwidth may be limited, UPC may need to define criteria for deciding which data stream to "support."

    List of Resolution and Action Items

    Resolution 1:
    The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC plan a regional workshop on K-12 outreach by the atmospheric science community.

    Resolution 2:
    The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC publish a "special edition" of the Unidata Newsletter as soon as practical covering those aspects of the FOS and NIDS contracts that the community needs to know and that serves as a reference for acquiring and using FOS and NIDS data and products within the spirit and letter of the contracts. The impending newsletter should advertise the upcoming special edition if possible.

    Action 1:
    The Policy Committee recommends that the UPC:

    1. Investigate at what point will there be replication of data in the IDD and Unidata/Wisconsin data streams;
    2. Define what the alternatives are for supporting the OS/2 stream as separate from the IDD
    3. Estimate the resources required to build an on-site OS/2 database of the Unidata/Wisconsin stream.

    In progress.

    Action 2:
    The Policy Committee recommends that a User Committee subcommittee look into the problem of proliferating servers and the need for mirror sites for the most popular servers.

    Postponed until after the Users Workshop

    Action 3:
    Bob Fox and Bill Bonner will develop a letter of concern addressed to the appropriate individuals uring the continuation of the Wind Profiler Demonstration Network.


    Action 4:
    John Snow will alert the UCAR Board of Trustees to the Policy Committee's concerns about data exchange and data access in the current international environment.


    Action 5:
    Schedule plenty of time for a NOAAport discussion at the next Washington meeting of the commitee (October).

    Not applicable to this meeting

    Action 6:
    Schedule a discussion of Unidata's role in the context of NSF's overall istitutional vision and goals as opposed to Unidata's role as an NSF/ATM program.

    On current agenda

    Action 7:
    By the next Policy Committee Meeting, the UPC will address the following:

    1. Define the scope of the IDD undertaking:
      • data sets involved
      • community served
    2. Define the philosophy of operation. For each layers:
      • how will the IDD function in normal mode?
      • how will it continue to operate under various degraded situations?
    3. Define the requirements for each level of node:
      • people
      • power
      • management
      • network
    4. Develop an Implementation Plan
    5. Develop a Node Selection Plan (i.e., define the deployment criteria
    6. Gather statistics on server congestion problems in the underlying network.

      See IDD materials in Status Report and in Section A tabs of this notebook.

      Action 8:
      The UPC will draft a policy on platform support and circulate it via email to the Policy Committee.


      Action 9:
      The topic of University Proposals with UPC-Components will be on the agenda for the next Policy Committee meeting.

      On current agenda.

      Action 10:
      The Winter Newsletter should include a note that NIDS and FOS vendors have been chosen.


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