Policy Committee Meeting Summary: June 17-18, 1993

Washington, D.C.


Members Representatives UPC Staff
Robert Fox (Chair) William Bonner (UCAR) Sally Bates
Otis Brown David Fulker (UPC) Ben Domenico
Russell DeSouza Clifford Jacobs (NSF) Linda Henderson
Steven Mullen Mohan Ramamurthy (Users Committee) Linda Miller
John Nielsen-Gammon Douglas Sargeant (NOAA) Sandra Nilsson
Carlyle Wash John Snow (UCAR Board of Trustees)Others
Gabor Vali Timothy Spangler(COMET) Richard Greenfield (NSF)

Administrative Matters

Action 1:
Review location of February meeting in October.

Status Reports

Director's Report
A copy of Dave's report was distributed at the meeting; copies of his on-line slides will be distributed after the meeting.


Action 2:
A decision whether or not to proceed with Ynot development will be on the February agenda.

Users Committee Report
Copies of Mohan Ramamurthy's transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


External Programs Status
Copies of Linda Miller's transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


NSF Report
Cliff Jacobs described the National Information Infrastructure initiative now before Congress and which seems to be gaining momentum. He noted that FY 93 has not been a good funding year for the agency. He said that Unidata has level funding unless he or someone else can identify other sources of funding within NSF. There was about $80 K for equipment grants and the review panel recommended six proposals. Copies of Jacobs's transparencies will be mailed to the members.


NOAA Report
Doug Sargeant reported that NOAA is now interested in providing data via the Internet and is watching the NMC test using the LDM. Email connectivity is now being promoted within the organization and should be established within the year. Meanwhile, NESDIS is creating data archive centers (DACs) and expects an active archive for satellite data to be in operation by the end of the year. This DAC will contain a range of data, including AVHRR; the data will be on a server accessible via the Internet. The DACs, however, will focus on data ordering, not on distribution, and the question of charges for the data have not yet been resolved.

Sargeant reported that NOAAport has been designed to be open ended toward real-time data, so that new data streams can be added when they become available. He said that the New NOAA administration was working on a strategic plan for the year 2003 that focused on the agencies efforts in areas such as Environmental Assessment and Prediction and Stewardship of Environmental Resources. This report is now available in draft form for comment; its entitled 1995-2005 Strategic Plan.

Internet Data Distribution

Copies of Ben Domenico's transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


Advanced Technology Advisory Committee

Ben Domenico presented a plan for establishing the ATAC using a core group and four working subgroups. (Copies of his transparencies were distributed at the meeting.) The committee commended Domenico on his plan and there was no further discussion.

Procedures on Participation by Institutions "with Potential Synergy"

The UPC has not established procedures for accepting or rejecting requests for participation by institutions that fall outside the Unidata Core (see the minutes of the December 1992 Policy Committee meeting). The Policy Committee agreed to assess on a case by case basis each request for participation from institutions having "potential synergy" with the program. However, no procedures for doing this have been established. The UPC currently has requests from a university in Brazil and from Lincoln Labs and Lawrence Livermore Labs.


Action 3:
Doug Sargeant will check with the NWS concerning restrictions on the distribution of FOS data outside the U.S.

Resolution 1:
The Policy Committee recommends that applications for participation in the Unidata Program from non-core institutions be evaluated by the Unidata Program Center and UCAR and that the applications and the UPC's recommendations be circulated to the Policy Committee for comments.

The Future of DIFAX in the Unidata Program

In May, there was considerable discussion on the community mail list about DIFAX. Copies of the email messages are in the notebook. Dave Fulker said that he doesn't believe this technology has any long-range place in Unidata and recommended staying out of the issue.


Resolution 2:
Given other Unidata's high-priority activities, the Policy Committee advises Unidata not to distribute or support DIFAX. DIFAX is readily available commercially, and many DIFAX products are available elsewhere for those that need them.

Action 4:
Dave Fulker will respond to email on DIFAX and explain the Policy Committee's resolution on DIFAX to the community. He will also discuss this with Alden.

COMET Case Studies

A selection of COMET and UPC staff members met to discuss the requirements for making COMET case studies accessible to the Unidata tool set. Dave Fulker's report on the meeting and his recommendations are in Section B on the notebook.


Resolution 3:
The Policy Committee supports the UPC's stated plan to cooperate with COMET in developing data formats that might allow Unidata to use COMET case studies in the future.

Budgeting Unidata under Various NSF Funding Scenarios

Sandra Nilsson presented the current status of Unidata's financial resources. Copies of her transparencies are in the notebook and there were no questions from the committee. Nilsson and Dave Fulker then presented scenarios for various funding levels:

As submitted, the five-year proposal called for:

To be achieved via 7 classes of UPC activity requiring 23 staff members:

The funding requested was:
$ 3.1 for FY 1994

UPC assesment of the programmatic changes necessary to cope with NSF alternate funding scenarios:

Scenario A: $ 2.3 M for FY 1995
Fulker noted that there is little flexibility in the ongoing endeavors. Some resources could be saved by cutting back on endeavors 1, 3, and 4. No significant savings could be identified by reasonable reductions in the other two endeavor areas. The greatest reduction in costs would therefore fall on the new initiatives: allocations to initiatives 1 and 2 would be reduced and initiatives 3 and 4 would be dropped altogether.

There would be no resources expended for:

Scenario B: $ 2.0 M for FY 1995
In addition to the reductions detailed for Scenario A:

In-Between Scenario.
Funding Unidata's current program will cost $2.1M. The addition of $200,000 will allow the two term appointments now being hired to continue. Without these term appointments, the IDD schedule (deployment by the third quarter of 1994) cannot be met.

Fulker has been asked to submit a revised budget for Scenarios A and B for all five years, and in the next few weeks he will be submitting a formal statement describing the impact of funding reductions.


List of Resolutions and Status of Action Items

Resolution 1:
The Policy Committee recommends that applications for participation in the Unidata Program from non-core institutions be evaluated by the Unidata Program Center and UCAR and that the applications and the UPC's recommendations be circulated to the Policy Committee for comments.

Resolution 2:
Given other Unidata's high-priority activities, the Policy Committee advises Unidata not to distribute or support DIFAX. DIFAX is readily available commercially, and many DIFAX products are available elsewhere for those that need them.

Action 1:
Review location of February meeting in October.


Action 2:
A decision whether or not to proceed with Ynot development will be on the February agenda.

Not applicable at this meeting

Action 3:
Doug Sargeant will check with the NWS concerning restrictions on the distribution of FOS data outside the U.S.

Report Forthcoming

Action 4:
Dave Fulker will respond to email on DIFAX and explain the Policy Committee's resolution on DIFAX to the community. He will also discuss this with Alden.

In progress


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