Policy Committee Meeting Summary:
May 22-23, 2000

Madison, Wisconsin



UPC Staff

John Merrill (Chair)
Michael Biggerstaff
Robert Fox
David Knight
James Moore
Charles Murphy
Mohan Ramamurthy
Julie Winkler


David Carlson (UCAR/ATD)
Allan Darling (NOAA/NWS)
Harry Edmon (ATAC)
Wayne Faas (NOAA/NESDIS)
David Fulker (UPC)
Bernard Grant (NSF/ATM)
Clifford Jacobs (NSF/ATM)
Mary Marlino (UCAR/PAGE)
Dennis Thomson (UCAR Board)
Tim Spangler (UCAR/COMET)

Sally Bates
John Caron
Joanne Graham
Jo Hansen
Linda Miller
Don Murray
Russ Rew
Tom Yoksas


Thomas Achtor (SSEC)
Steven Ackerman (SSEC)
Thomas Whittaker (SSEC)

Administrative Matters


Status Reports

Director's Report
Fulker gave a brief overview of the program's status. He noted that Unidata staff had submitted five proposals to NSF (to ATM for the Users Workshop; to ITR with NCSA for work integrating netCDF on HDF; to ITR with U. Wisconsin and UC Santa Barbara for concept maps with VisAD, to EHR with PAGE/DLESE for core integration for NSDL, and to GEO with PAGE/DLESE for more work on the prototype Geosciences Digital Library). Fulker reported that the statistics on the IDD have been improved and are now more accurate, and they indicate that the IDD is stable. He also reported that discussion on how to provide Level 2 access to all 88D radars is continuing and that SuomiNet is near to purchasing 100 receivers, which UNAVCO expects to configure this summer. Finally, Fulker summarized that all of Unidata's core concern were coded "green" (in good shape) with the exception of the budget (coded yellow), which is still considered to be of concern beginning next year. Fulker noted that he expects to pursue new sources of funding in the near future.

Staff members gave brief status reports on their own recent efforts (full reports are in the notebook).


Action 1:
Unidata will split out the statistics for CONDUIT in its IDD monitoring to enable a better view of general community data reception.

Action 2:
Unidata will publicize the minimum platforms requirement for running the MetApps prototypes.

Action 3:
At the January 2001 meeting, Unidata will report to the Policy Committee on its progress in developing a system to track its users.

Users Committee Report

The committee chair, Jennie Moody, was unable to attend this meeting, and she has resigned as the committee's chair. Charles Murphy summarized the last meeting, a full report on which is in the notebook. About 75 people will be attending this summer's workshop.


Two people have been added to the task force. Eight members of the task force held a successful conference call and will hold more such calls in the future. The UMADA discussion environment is considered a clear benefit to most task force members. This summer, the task force will begin developing radar usecases.


Action 4:
A significant amount of time at the October 2000 meeting will be devoted to showing and discussing the MetApps prototypes.

NOAA Report
There were two new NOAA representatives at this meeting: Allan Darling and Wayne Faas. While neither one was asked to prepare a report, Darling presented the following:


NASA Report

The Policy Committee does not have a NASA representative at this time.

NSF Report

Cliff Jacobs presented an overview of NSF's budget for 2001 (an increase of 17.3% is being proposed). Several new initiatives are being proposed (IT, Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Biocomplexity and the Environment, and 21st Century Workforce). Programs within these may supply opportunities for Unidata (he mentioned particularly NEON and Earthscope) in managing data flows. GEO's portion of the budget would be about $40M for Biocomplexity, $16.6M for IT, and $1.5M for the Workforce. GEO has identified four focus areas: natural cycles, natural hazards, ocean observations, and global change. Jacobs noted that two reports will shape NSF in the near term: Shaping the Future: Geosciences Beyond 2000 (the printed summary of which was distributed at the meeting) and the National Science Board's report on Environmental Science and Engineering for the 21st Century. The NSB recommends that NSF receive a $1B increase in funding and become highly visible, that it's projects should be considered a long-term investment, and that enhancing environmental education be a priority. (NSF is now required to assess the scientific value of its environmental programs.) Finally, Jacobs noted that sustainability is becoming an important focus for NSF.



Mary Marlino gave a brief update on PAGE/DLESE and its relation to Unidata. She noted that she and Fulker recognized that their missions are related and that they share core values of 1) community governance/ownership; 2) users as contributors and as active participants, and 3) distributed responsibilities: the digital library will be a distributed, federated facility (although she noted that no one knows yet how to do this). In PAGE's Geoscience Digital Library (GDL) effort, the program is building a prototype library. DLESE has a steering committee, a community plan, and is about to publish articles of federation. Marlino noted that digital libraries to date have failed because of a lack of funding and a lack of community involvement.


Strategic Planning

A draft ("strawman") strategic plan is in the notebook, and a revised edition was distributed at the meeting. Fulker noted that this planning session should focus on ideas for the long term (5-10 years) in an effort to keep the Unidata Program flexible and as a hedge against being "overtaken by events." He pointed out that the draft reflected discussions among Unidata staff members, and assumed that Unidata's constituency would remain academic, and that its mission would continue to include a focus on building community; other assumptions underlying the draft are in sections 5 and 6.

Participants divided into four groups to address the mission and vision statements in the draft plan. The proposed mission statement was "Providing infrastructure and software for use in academia to observe, understand, and share knowledge about Earth systems." The vision statement is in the revised draft. A summary of the groups' discussions are as follows:

Group Leader: Charles Murphy

On the mission statement:

On the vision statements:


On the goals:


Group Leader: David Knight

On the mission statement:

On the vision statement:


On the goals:

Group Leader: Julie Winkler

On the mission statement:

On the vision statement:

On the goals:


Group Leader: Mohan Ramamurthy

On the mission statement:

On the vision statement:


On the Goals:

General Discussion


Fulker summarized the strategic planning discussions as follows:

He noted that Unidata is facing some hard questions:

He foresees the discussion continuing via e-mail or by other mechanisms.