Policy Committee Meeting Summary:
January 27-28, 2000

Boulder, Colorado


Members Representatives

John Merrill (Chair)
Michael Biggerstaff
Robert Fox
David Knight
Charles Murphy
Mohan Ramamurthy
Julie Winkler

UPC Staff

Sally Bates
John Caron
Steve Chiswell
Ethan Davis
Ben Domenico
Steve Emmerson
Joanne Graham
Jo Hansen
Robb Kambic
Linda Miller
Don Murray
Russ Rew
Jeff Weber
Stuart Wier
Anne Wilson
Tom Yoksas


David Carlson (UCAR/ATD)
Harry Edmon (ATAC)
Jack Fellows (UCAR/UOP)
David Fulker (UPC)
Harry Glahn (NOAA/NWS)
Clifford Jacobs (NSF/ATM)
Al Kellie (UCAR/SCD)
Tim Spangler (UCAR/COMET)


Susan Jesuroga (UCAR/COMET)
Joaquim Kuettner (UCAR/JOSS)
Mike Jackson (UCAR/UNAVCO)
Teresa Van Hove (UCAR/GST)
Randolf Ware (UCAR/GST)

Administrative Matters

Status Reports

Director's Report

Copies of Fulker's transparencies were distributed at the meeting. Copies of Graham's transparencies are in the notebook. Graham's presentation highlighted that the current funding outlook (flat budget for FY00 with 3% increases through 2003) will create significant funding problems starting at year-end, FY01.


Users Committee Report

The summary of the last Users Committee meeting is in the notebook. Murphy presented the summary for Moody, who was unable to attend.

MetApps Report

Charles Murphy distributed a MetApps status report.


NOAA Report

Mary Glackin has moved to NCEP. Harry Glahn will serve as NOAA representative until further notice. Glahn reported to this meeting via telephone. He noted that Gen. Kelly has established a work team to reduce the amount of redundancy in decoder development. Essentially, selected NWS office will be responsible for the development of specific decoders/encoders, which will then be released (made available to any offices needing them) as they are developed. NCEP is involved in this activity. A copy of Kelly's policy on this was faxed to Unidata and distributed at the meeting.

Glahn also reported that there are no new NIDS developments. The NWS still intends to end the agreements with NIDS vendors by September 30, 2000. However, that depends on a number of things being done by the NWS by then. If an extension is necessary, it will be done in 90-day increments. In the meantime NWS will continue adding NIDS products to the NOAAport stream in encrypted form until the agreement ends. (NWS intends, however, to remove the encryption for short test periods to allow users to test their ingest and processing of radar products.) The data will be products from individual radars. They intend to make available as much data as possible, but face competition for the bandwidth out of NWS (currently a T1) and there have been no funds identified to increase the bandwidth in FY 00 or FY 01. High- and low-resolution mosaics are now being created, including the 10-km mosaic in the AWIPS requirements, but weather offices don't yet have the capability to receive these. For the time being, these products are available on the NWS Web server. The NWS is now working on producing a 4-km mosaic.


NASA Report

George Serafino was unable to attend the meeting.

NSF Report

Cliff Jacobs updated the committee on new leadership in the Geoscience Division (Margaret Leinen is now in place as the director; Jarvis Moyers has been appointed as director of ATM for two years, and Hermann Zimmerman is the director of Earth Sciences). On NSF's budget, Jacobs reported that GEO doesn't yet have its operating budget for this year (but most of the 7% increase to NSF went to ITR, biocomplexity, and education, so GEO is expecting a flat budget this year); the budget for 2001 should be released Feb. 7, and unconfirmed reports indicate that it includes a proposed 17% increase within five major themes (ITR, biocomplexity, 21st century workforce, nanoscale science and engineering, and unmet needs).

Jacobs urged the committee to consider Unidata activities in the context of NSF's strategic activities. He believes Unidata is mature enough to move beyond mesoscale meteorology to a broader context that is consistent with the Geoscience research agenda (See Geo2000). Jacobs then summarized the Findings and Recommendations of the National Science Board's Task Force on the Environment Interim Report.

For Bernard Grant (who was unable to attend), Jacobs reported that the equipment grants announcement is scheduled for release in February. It will have a May deadline for proposals, which NSF intends to review in June and award in July.


Action 1: The Unidata/SCD collaboration on access to data archives will be on the agenda for the next meeting, depending on Kellie's schedule.

Action 2: Following consultation with Jacobs, Fulker will draft one or more letters to NSF articulating a role for Unidata in NSF's major research initiatives for the coming decade. The letters will go out over Policy and Users Committee signatures


Randolph Ware gave an overview of the SuomiNet project. A copy of the forthcoming BAMS article on SuomiNet is in the notebook. In the course of his overview he noted that 170 sites have registered, 27 of whom are from outside the U.S. They have received 33 letters of commitment covering 50 sites. (The letters formally acknowledge the site's commitment to provide infrastructure support for the receiving stations for five years.) Their proposal calls for purchasing equipment for between 70 and 100 sites; they are now in the throes of testing equipment to determine which will be purchased. Mike Jackson, who defined the specifications for the needed system, passed around one possible GPS receiver. GST expects to purchase equipment in May and to send it to participants in midsummer.


Archive Data at SSEC

Bob Fox provided a handout on the archive satellite data available from SSEC to universities. He noted that the system for provided these data is ready to go and that SSEC would like feedback on how well it works.


Note: Fox was roundly applauded by the committee for this initiative.

Discussions on Collaborations

Fulker distributed a table of current and potential collaborations and asked the committee to brainstorm on how these might impact Unidata and to evaluate Jacobs' request to consider how and whether Unidata might participate in NSF's long-range goals. He noted that, at the staff retreat in October 1999, staff members had expressed the desire to keep Unidata at about its current size and they had questioned whether all the potential collaborations fit into the Unidata mission.


Participation Policy

Fulker prepared a draft matrix of participation. The new concepts presented in the matrix are the lack of any geographical constraints and the requirement of a nonprofit status for receiving support. He noted that the licensing discussion is based on defining who the Unidata community contains. Ben Domenico, Joanne Graham, and Robb Kambic provided an overview of and development plan for the user-tracking system that Unidata is developing.


Action 3: The Users Committee will discuss the support issue as it pertains to the "point and click" environment.

Action 4: Prior to the next meeting of the Policy Committee, Fulker will revise the Participation Policy to reflect the consensus achieved on the participation matrix.

Action 5: Unidata will provide an demonstration of the on-line user-information tracking system at the Spring or Fall Policy Committee meeting.

LDM Development

In response to action item 4 from the last Policy Committee meeting, Russ Rew and Anne Wilson updated the committee on LDM development. In terms of short-term development, they identified two major concerns:

  1. The shortage of feedtypes for new data feeds; and
  2. Performance problems with the LDM product queue

Over the longer term, areas under evaluation for the next-generation IDD include:

Action 6: Unidata will prepare discussion guides in advance of the May meeting and distributed them to meeting participants. Additional guests from NOAA, NASA, UOP, and others will invited.

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