Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee Meeting

22-23 April 2015

Action Items

Action 1: Share Sam’s presentation with SAC and post on web (Josh Young)

Action 2: Forward links to all approved ESDWSG recommendations (Chris Lynnes)

Action 3: Develop and release a survey to assess NOAA NWS reliance of Unidata tools/services (Josh Young and Leroy Spayd)

Action 4:Add examples to the DMRC, submit a BAMS or EOS article, & work with Mike Piasecki to publish an article in Hydroinformatics (Josh Young)

Action 5: Document a data workflow for inclusion in the Data Management Resource Center (Doug Dirks/Lynn McMurdie)

Action 6: Partner with COMET and the wider community in pursuing some funding to develop training on computational/data literacy. Note that WMO might be one source of funding. (UPC)

Action Items Carried Over

Action 1: Request Scott Jacobs provide a developers guide for AWIPS II (Josh Young)

Action 2: Demonstration of ArcGIS tools at a subsequent meeting in Boulder (UPC)

Action 5: Experiment with flipped learning for training at Unidata (UPC)

Action 7: Assess NOAA use of Unidata tools (UPC)



Josh Young
Community Services - Unidata
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
303 497-8646 fax: 303 497-8690