Policy Committee Meeting Summary
29 January 1999



Members Representatives
John Merrill (Chair) Otis Brown (UCAR Trustees)
Ken Crawford David Carlson (NCAR/ATD)
Robert Fox Harry Edmon (ATAC)
David Knight David Fulker (UPC)
James Moore Mary Glackin (NOAA/NWS)
Charles Murphy Bernard Grant (NSF/ATM)
Julie Winkler Clifford Jacobs (NSF/ATM)
Jennie Moody (U.VA./Users)
UPC Staff George Serafino (NASA/Goddard DAAC)
Sally Bates
Ben Domenico
Joanne Graham
Jo Hansen
Linda Miller
Russ Rew

Administrative Matters

Status Reports

Director's Report and the Budget Report

Fulker's and Graham's reports are on the web.


Action 1: Domenico will confer with Mary Marlino in an effort to continue having Unidata Users Committee representation on the PAGE Steering Committee.

Action 2: The question of whether Unidata should discontinue licenses will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Users Committee Report

Although the Users Committee has not met since the last Policy Committee meeting, Jennie Moody did convene an ad hoc discussion group at the AMS to discuss the next Users Committee workshop. A summary of the discussion is on the Web. Given the lead-time necessary to reserve space, the next committee meeting will be devoted to choosing a topic and identifying a location for the workshop.



NOAA Report

Mary Glackin reported that there are several NWS/NOAA activities of interest to the committee:

  1. Gen. Kelly has commissioned several task force teams, including one focused on how to infuse new science and technology into the weather service. Members are: Craig Dorman (ONR), Steve Clifford (ETL/NOAA), Sandy MacDonald (FSL/NOAA), Jeff Holland (US Army), Bill Hooke (DOC/Strategic Planning), Phil Merilees (NRL), Stephan Nelson (NSF). The team should have a report to Kelly in June.
  2. The Weather Service is actively developing strategic and reorganization plans.
  3. NOAAport is now operational; there have been some problems with data receipt (sleeting rain causes problems), but otherwise it is operating smoothly.
  4. The Weather Service is actively working to increase the number of data products available on NOAAport
  5. The Weather Service is in active dialog with the NIDS vendors to develop a transition plan that allows continuing data access.
  6. There is a task force team being formed to look into issues surrounding the creation of a national radar mosaic; there is nothing definite to report on this.


NSF Report

Cliff Jacobs' slides are on the Web.


MetApps Report

Charlie Murphy reported that the first prototypes were downloaded by MetApps members in November. The prototypes are now in their third iteration. He noted that one site was having platform problems and that he's concerned about the low level of participation by the group's members. He will experiment with methods for rejuvenating the group, but is also considering expanding the membership. A full report is on the Web.



Action Items
January 1999 Policy Committee Teleconference

There were no resolutions taken during this meeting.

Action 1: Domenico will confer with Mary Marlino in an effort to continue having Unidata Users Committee representation on the PAGE Steering Committee.

Action 2: The question of whether Unidata should discontinue licenses will be on the agenda for the next meeting.