May 1995 Action Items: Status

As of September 1995

Action 1:
The Users Committee will endeavor to discover whether the UPC policy to support OS/2 is interfering with access to support on campus and if so, which operating system would be preferred.

The Users Committee will address this action at its next meeting, scheduled for October.

Action 2:
Fulker will discuss costs of NIDS data to universities with WSI.

Done. A report on the results on these talks is on the agenda for the meeting.

Action 3:
Access to NIDS will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Action 4:
Unidata's role as a data clearinghouse will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Action 5:
Ramamurthy and Fulker will ask the nominees to serve on the committee.

The nominees have accepted and are already actively involved.

Action 6:
The UPC will send Policy Committee notebooks to all the Geosciences division directors.

Notebooks will have been sent to: Alan Gaines (EAR), Mike Reeve (OCE), as well as to R. Corell and Dick Greenfield.

Action 7:
Jacobs and Nilsson will investigate holding a separate briefing session for NSF personnel before the Washington, D.C. meeting.

They investigated and, given the timing of the meeting, found it not possible for the September 95 meeting; this idea will be revisited at the Policy Committee's next Washington meeting.

Action 8:
A draft description of the new approach will be drawn up by the UPC and published in the next issue of the newsletter for comment by the community.

Done. A copy of the newsletter article is in the notebook.

Action 9:
The topic of university-sponsored participation will be on the agenda for the next meeting.



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