Policy Committee Meeting Summary: May 24-25, 1995

Boulder, Colorado


Members Representatives UPC Staff
Robert Fox (Chair) Robert Gall (NCAR/MMM) Sally Bates
Steve Mullen David Fulker (UPC) Ben Domenico
Perry Walsh Clifford Jacobs (NSF/ATM) Linda Miller
Carlyle Wash Sandra Nilsson
Julie Winkler

Administrative Matters

Status Reports

Director's Report
A copy of Fulker's report is in the notebook; copies of his transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


Action 1:
The Users Committee will endeavor to discover whether the UPC policy to support OS/2 is interfering with access to support on campuses and if so, which operating system would be preferred.

Budget Report
Copies of Nilsson's transparencies were distributed at the meeting.


Users Committee Report
Copies of the summary of the April Users meeting are in the notebook.


Action 2:
Fulker will discuss costs of NIDS data to universities with WSI.

Action 3:
Access to NIDS will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Action 4:
Unidata's role as a data clearinghouse will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

NOAA Report
Bob Fox spoke with Doug Sargeant before the meeting and filed the following report:

GOES: GOES 9 was launched May 23; it will be in orbit over the middle of the country; NOAA expects data from it to be available in July. It is currently envisioned that it will be used for one-minute imagery for the remainder of the severe weather season. Thereafter, it will be moved to 135W and will replace GOES-7 as the western operational GOES spacecraft.

AWIPS: There is a very aggressive effort underway throughout all of NOAA to accelerate the introduction of AWIPS into NOAA operations. Following the recommendation of the review committee, NWS will field AWIPS in a number of incremental upgrades. The initial fielding will combine infrastructure and communications from PRC with applications software from the Alaska region, the Office of Hydrology, and other sources. There will be no "AWIPS Package" available to the community in the near term.

NOAAport will begin stabilized broadcasts in a few months. The community is free to acquire and use data from NOAAport as they are able; however, NWS will be unable to provide much individual help due to the crush of AWIPS implementation activities. NOAA is strongly committed to providing continuity of content and smooth transitions along the NOAAport evolutionary path. [The Unidata home page contains information about the status of NOAAport, and NOAA has agreed to provide updates intermittently.]

Mary des Jardins has replaced Tony Mostek in the Transition Project.

The commercialization of international meteorological data is being debated next week at the WMO Congress meeting being held in Geneva. The U.S., through Joe Friday, continues to support the free and open exchange of data, but this position is being strongly contested by most European members.

ASOS: NOAA is back to commissioning ASOS stations.

NOAA is included in the current discussions concerning the elimination or reorganization of DoC. Whether or not there is reorganization, there will certainly be budget impact. The more optimistic forecasts converge at about a 5% cut versus current expenditure; other forecasts are all downhill from there.

NSF Report

Cliff Jacobs reported that NSF's requested budget for 1996 represented an increase of 3%; within that, the Geosciences requested an increase of 7.6% (8.4% for ATM). Unidata is funded out of Research and Related Activities, which has requested an increase of 7.6%. Geosciences has identified three major themes for the next year: strategic research, which will combine environment and global change; fundamental research and education, and instrumentation. Global Change will include three new areas: integrated assessment, ecosystem dynamics, and advanced research on policy- and decision-making.

Jacobs spent considerable time explaining recent Congressional activity pertaining to Congress's efforts to balance the Federal budget. He said that while there appeared to be support for basic research in both the House and the Senate, NSF faces the problem of how to cope in the face of major cuts in science funding in other agencies such as NASA. Furthermore, the House Subcommittee projects large cuts in funding for basic research in FY 96, with increases slowly bringing funding back to today's levels by FY2000.


IDD Update
Copies of Ben's slides were distributed at the meeting.


User Committee Nominations

The Policy Committee identified five potential candidates to fill three slots for the User Committee (two additions and a replacement for a member whose term is expiring). The terms of two current members will be altered so that memberships expire at the rate of three per year.

Action 5:
Ramamurthy and Fulker will ask the nominees to serve on the committee.


Action 6:
The UPC will send Policy Committee notebooks to all the Geosciences division directors.

Action 7:
Jacobs and Nilsson will investigate holding a separate briefing session for NSF personnel before the Washington, D.C. meeting.

Associate Participation

Linda Miller explained that people inquiring about associate participation were really interested in obtaining data and lost interest when told that these would not be available to them. Bob Fox and (in absentia) Otis Brown indicated that the issue rested on the question of what was wanted for the Unidata program: to reach out to agencies? to restrict participation to universities? to restrict participation to members of the atmospheric sciences? A model for how non-universities might participate was drafted by Brown and distributed at the meeting.


Action 8:
A draft description of the new approach will be drawn up by the UPC and published in the next issue of the newsletter for comment by the community.

Action 9:
The topic of university-sponsored participation will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

WXP Support

Dave Fulker noted that past resolutions and discussions have resulted in the UPC minimizing its involvement (in terms of resources) in WXP development. The resignation of Mike Wright (the person at UPC supporting WXP) led the UPC to recommend that WXP be moved to community support. At its last meeting, the Users Committee concurred. While easier to use, WXP is not as comprehensive as GEMPAK or McIDAS, and the UPC believes that resources would be better spent increasing the ease of use of GEMPAK and McIDAS than in supporting three packages. To ease the transition, the UPC expects to support WXP through the next release, and is talking with Wright about the possibility of his contracting with the UPC to do the release-engineering on the next release of WXP.


Resolution 1 (not unanimous)
The Unidata Policy Committee supports the User Committee's recommendation that WXP be moved to community support status.


Linda Miller updated the committee on the status of RAMSDIS (a copy of a letter from Colorado State University to Miller is in the notebook). She noted that CSU is looking for collaborators in research using RAMSDIS data--they are interested in promoting the scientific use of images from the new satellites.

Strategic Planning

The committee agreed that time should be set aside at each meeting for planning discussions. They identified the following topics to be discussed during these periods:

Status of Action Items

Action 1:
The Users Committee will endeavor to discover whether the UPC policy to support OS/2 is interfering with access to support on campus and if so, which operating system would be preferred.

The Users Committee will address this action at its next meeting, scheduled for October.

Action 2:
Fulker will discuss costs of NIDS data to universities with WSI.

Done. A report on the results on these talks is on the agenda for the meeting.

Action 3:
Access to NIDS will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Action 4:
Unidata's role as a data clearinghouse will be on the agenda for the next meeting.


Action 5:
Ramamurthy and Fulker will ask the nominees to serve on the committee.

The nominees have accepted and are already actively involved.

Action 6:
The UPC will send Policy Committee notebooks to all the Geosciences division directors.

Notebooks will have been sent to: Alan Gaines (EAR), Mike Reeve (OCE), as well as to R. Corell and Dick Greenfield.

Action 7:
Jacobs and Nilsson will investigate holding a separate briefing session for NSF personnel before the Washington, D.C. meeting.

They investigated and, given the timing of the meeting, found it not possible for the September 95 meeting; this idea will be revisited at the Policy Committee's next Washington meeting.

Action 8:
A draft description of the new approach will be drawn up by the UPC and published in the next issue of the newsletter for comment by the community.

Done. A copy of the newsletter article is in the notebook.

Action 9:
The topic of university-sponsored participation will be on the agenda for the next meeting.



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