June 1994 Action Items: Status

As of November 1994

Action 1:
Carry action items 1, 2, 5, and 8 from the March 1994 meeting over to the October 1994 meeting.


Action 2:
Fox will issue a letter of invitation to Joe Friday and Dick Greenfield to meet with the committee during the October PolCom meeting in Washington, D.C. to discuss the status of international data commercialization and exchange.


Action 3:
The Unidata charter may need to be stated in an independent document. The statements from Chapter 5 of the Unidata proposal of May, 1992 to NSF were distributed and reviewed. Fox and Bonner are to consider if and how to clarify the Policy Committee charter and terms of reference, and will report back at the next meeting.


Action 4:
The topic of Ynot will appear on the agenda for the October meeting.


Action 5:
The UPC will encourage the subcommittee preparing the workshop report to redraft the resolutions so that the efforts involve the UOP/COMET and the universities.


Action 6:
The UPC will develop queues for leaves and for relays and publish these on the Web server.


Action 7:
The UPC will determine the current status of unconnected sites and Fox will follow up on his letter 22 March 1994 to these sites.


Action 8:
Fox and the UPC will draft a letter to all sites informing them of key dates (e.g., C-band termination date, sunset date of Unidata/Wisconsin stream via satellite, etc.). The letter should encourage sites to work closely with their regional networks (to keep abreast of impending network changes) and with their campus network administrators.


Action 9: The UPC will distribute IDD status reports (lifted from the UPC biweekly reports) to the entire community.

Done. Placed on Web server.

Action 10: Domenico will look for daily earthquake summary from IRIS and add it to the NSF Web server if possible.



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