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[netCDF #OBI-871082]: Question on nc_get_att_text


You sent the following question about netCDF to Unidata's "Please Contact Me" 
web form:

I use netcdf dll  nc_get_att_text(band, -1, "platform", platform_text); 
function on read global atributte , This work fine , if global atributte is 
format |:foo = "bar"| but if is global atributte format |string :foo = "bar"| 
this not work , How I can read global atributte in format |string :foo = "bar"| 

I've taken the liberty of sending your question to our netCDF support team; 
someone will respond to you as soon as is feasible.

If you have additional questions, directing them to address@hidden will ensure 
the quickest response.

Thank you!
Douglas Dirks
Unidata Community Services