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[netCDF #MYN-702465]: extracting netCDF data

Hi Amy,

Sorry it's taken us so long to respond to your question.

> I am very new to netCDF files and have just downloaded a couple of
> NARCCAP temperature and precipitation files. I would like to extract
> timeseries for 4 grid points only for comparison with observed data
> and input to a hydrological model, and I'm wondering what is the
> simplest method of doing thi s. The "Step-by-step instructions for
> converting NetCDF data to plain text " looked appealing, but the
> links for the "pre-built Win32 binary version of the netcdf library"
> and the "pre-built binary" of FAN don't work for me.

We didn't write and don't maintain the page you're referring to:


but it looks like good advice for Windows users.  I just tried the two
links for the Windows library and FAN library for Windows:


and both resulted in downloaded files on my local system:

  -rw-rw-r--   1 russ     ustaff    320476 Nov 11 09:50 fan-2.0.3.win32bin.zip
  -rw-rw-r--   1 russ     ustaff    331992 Nov 11 09:50 

so if you can't download these, it may be a firewall problem.  Are you
able to FTP files from other FTP servers?

Though FAN may work for you as described at the NARCCAP web site, it
is no longer maintained by the author who contributed it, and we can't
answer FAN-specific questions.  The ncdump utility may also be useful
for getting data from netCDF files in text form, and we maintain


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MYN-702465
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: High
Status: Closed