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[netCDF #SCL-829369]: incompatible pointer

Hi Jam,

> I try to read the netcdf file of wrf input.
> When I try to complie the program, it showed me warning message as
> nc_inq_dimlen' from incompatible pointer type

That warning message is because you have declared the dimension lengths 
we_len, sn_len, and soil_layer_len to be of type "int", but the documentation 
for the nc_inq_dimlen function says the returned dimension lengths are really
of type "size_t", which is the appropriate type for an integer that represents
the size of something, such as a block of memory or an array index.

You could get rid of the compile warnings by using the declaration

  size_t we_len, sn_len, soil_layer_len;

instead of the current int declaration for those lengths.

> When I ran the program, it could not get any function from header file of 
> netcdf
> and it caused "segmentation error"

The warnings from using an "int" rather than a "size_t" declaration for the
dimension lengths could cause such a problem if you are running on a 64-bit
platform, where an int is 32-bits but a size_t is 64 bits.  In that case, the
call to nc_inq_dimlen would be trying to stuff a 64-bit value into a 32-bit
location, overwriting whatever followed that location.

> This is my program, would you mind giving me suggestion what wrong with it.
> I use this command for compile it
> gcc -o modify_netcdf_field modify_netcdf_field.c
> -I/opt/graphics/pgi/64/6.2-3/netcdf/include
> -L/opt/graphics/pgi/64/6.2-3/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf
> -L/opt/pgi-7.1-1/linux86-64/7.1-1/lib/ -lpgc


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SCL-829369
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed