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[netCDF #JLS-704865]: Porting NETCDF 4.0 on OpenBSD 4.5 amd64

Hi Benoit,

> I try to update the port of NETCDF to OpenBSD but I have a problem with
> a regression test that failed with utf8.
> I have add the complete output of log.
> Any idea ?

We don't currently have an OpenBSD platform on which to run tests, so I'll need
a little more
information to diagnose the problem.  Could you please send the CDL file that
differs in
the failed test, "utf8.cdl" from the ncdump directory.  The error message
> *** creating UTF-8 test file tst_utf8.nc...ok.
> *** Tests successful!
> PASS: tst_utf8
> *** Testing ncgen and ncdump for UTF8 support...
> *** creating classic offset file with utf8 characters...
> *** dump and compare utf8 output...
> Binary files utf8.cdl and ./ref_tst_utf8.cdl differ
> FAIL: run_utf8_tests.sh
> =========================================
> 1 of 8 tests failed

says it's a binary file, but it's really a text file containing some UTF-8
Unicode characters.  Nevertheless, if you could send it in a way the preserves
the bits, it would help us to see what's happening.  We haven't seen this test
on any other platform ...


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JLS-704865
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed