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Re: attached file

Hi Noman:

Unfortunately its common for these files to not follow the conventions

"longitude_of_projection_origin" should be
"straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole". Its a common error, and we tend to try
to be lenient in these cases, so our software would probably look for both

Ben, can we notify the writer? Also, can I get a sample of the file for my


Ben Domenico wrote:

I'm forwarding this message to John Caron who can help you with the
details of the projection in that netCDF file.

-- Ben

On 10/16/07, * Nawajish Noman* <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    Hi Ben,

    We are working on the problem with Polar stereographic projection. I
    am comparing the grid_mapping parameters in the file (see your email
    below) and the parameters listed on the CF Convention page at _

    Example F.5.

    *Example F.5. Polar stereographic*

    grid_mapping_name = polar_stereographic

    */Map parameters:/*


    latitude_of_projection_origin - Either +90. or -90.

    Either standard_parallel or scale_factor_at_projection_origin



    *Parameters in file are:***

    char Polar_Stereographic_projection_Grid;

         :grid_mapping_name = "polar_stereographic";

         :longitude_of_projection_origin = -105.0; // double

         :scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 0.933; // double

    Here are my questions:

    Q1: Some of the parameters are missing in file. What do we do about
    missing parameters?

    Q2: You have " longitude_of_projection_origin " in file but the CF
    convention says " latitude_of_projection_origin" - What do with
    "longitude_of_projection_origin "?

    We look for parameters listed in CF Conventions and map them to our
    Spatial reference parameters. If parameters are missing in file we
    assume default value. If incorrect parameters are specified - we
    ignore them.

    I want to make sure we are reading the parameters from your file
    correctly. Please comment



    -----Original Message-----
    From: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> [
    mailto:address@hidden] On Behalf Of Ben Domenico
    Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 1:56 PM
    To: Steve Kopp
    Cc: Nawajish Noman
    Subject: Re: attached file


    I'll attach jpegs of the dataset as displayed in arcMap and one from

    the IDV.  In each case, you can see at the bottom of the screen, the

    lat/lon values associated with the cursor position.  I'll also append

    the ncDump output which shows the projection information -- in netCDF

    terms (i.e., Polar_Stereographic_projection_Grid) anyway.

    -- Ben

    ncDump output


    netcdf C:/Documents and
    Settings/ben/Desktop/ST4.2006010100.06hWithLatLon.nc {


       time = 1;   // (has coord.var)

       y = 815;   // (has coord.var)

       x = 1121;   // (has coord.var)


       float Total_precipitation(time=1, y=815, x=1121);

         :units = "kg/m^2";

         :long_name = "Total precipitation @ surface";

         :missing_value = -9999.0f; // float

         :grid_mapping = "Polar_Stereographic_projection_Grid";

         :GRIB_param_name = "Total precipitation";

         :GRIB_center_id = 7; // int

         :GRIB_table_id = 2; // int

         :GRIB_param_number = 61; // int

         :GRIB_param_id = 1, 7, 2, 61; // int

         :GRIB_product_definition_type = "Accumulation";

         :GRIB_level_type = 1; // int

       int time(time=1);

         :long_name = "forecast time";

         :units = "hour since 2005-12-31T12:00:00Z";

         :GRIB_orgReferenceTime = "2005-12-31T12:00:00Z";

         :GRIB2_significanceOfRTName = "Start of forecast";

         :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";

       double y(y=815);

         :units = "km";

         :long_name = "y coordinate of projection";

         :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate";

         :grid_spacing = "4.763 km";

         :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY";

       double x(x=1121);

         :units = "km";

         :long_name = "x coordinate of projection";

         :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate";

         :grid_spacing = "4.763 km";

         :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX";

       char Polar_Stereographic_projection_Grid;

         :grid_mapping_name = "polar_stereographic";

         :longitude_of_projection_origin = -105.0; // double

         :scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 0.933; // double

         :earth_shape = "spherical";

         :GRIB_param_Dx = 4763.0; // double

         :GRIB_param_Dy = 4763.0; // double

         :GRIB_param_GDSkey = 1294122487; // int

         :GRIB_param_La1 = 23.117; // double

         :GRIB_param_Lo1 = -119.023; // double

         :GRIB_param_LoV = -105.0; // double

         :GRIB_param_Nx = 1121; // int

         :GRIB_param_Ny = 881; // int

         :GRIB_param_ProjFlag = 0; // int

         :GRIB_param_ResCompFlag = 8; // int

         :GRIB_param_ScanningMode = 64; // int

         :GRIB_param_grid_name = "Polar Stereographic projection Grid";

         :GRIB_param_grid_radius_spherical_earth = 6367.47; // double

         :GRIB_param_grid_shape = "spherical";

         :GRIB_param_grid_shape_code = 0; // int

         :GRIB_param_grid_type = 5; // int

         :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection";

         :_CoordinateAxisTypes = "GeoX GeoY";

       double lat(y=815, x=1121);

         :units = "degrees_north";

         :long_name = "latitude coordinate";

         :standard_name = "latitude";

         :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";

       double lon(y=815, x=1121);

         :units = "degrees_east";

         :long_name = "longitude coordinate";

         :standard_name = "longitude";

         :_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";

     :History = "GridDatatype extracted from dataset


     :Conventions = "CF-1.0";

     :Originating_center = "US National Weather Service (NCEP) subcenter
    = 4";

     :Generating_Process_or_Model = "River Forecast Center Quantitative

    Precipitation estimate mosaic generated by NCEP";

     :Product_Type = "Accumulation";

     :cdm_data_type = "Grid";

     :creator_name = "US National Weather Service (NCEP) subcenter = 4";

     :file_format = "GRIB-1";

     :location =

     :history = "Direct read of GRIB into NetCDF-Java 2.2 API";

     :_CoordinateModelRunDate = "2005-12-31T12:00:00Z";


    On 6/5/07, Steve Kopp <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:


    >  Ben, the dataset contains no projection information. Without this, we

    >  won't know where else to draw anything.


    >  Could you send us a screen shot of what you are seeing?


    >  Thanks,


    >  Steve



    >  -----Original Message-----

    >  From: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden> [
    mailto:address@hidden] On Behalf Of

    >  Ben Domenico

    >  Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 11:32 AM

    >  To: Steve Kopp

    >  Subject: attached file


    >  Hi Steve,


    >  Don't know if this will work, but I'm attaching one of the CF-netCDF

    >  files I got from that NCDC radar data server.  Let me know whether

    >  this comes through OK.


    >  -- Ben

