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[netCDF #KIS-873279]: netCDF General - ncerr link error

> Institution: Stillwater Supercomputing, Inc.
> Package Version: 3.6.2 3.6.1 older
> Operating System: Win32
> Hardware Information: Intel core 2 duo
> Inquiry: I am stuck with a link error on ncerr. I get the same error on 
> precompiled libs or when I build the netcdf lib myself. I have double checked 
> with dumpbin that ncerr is defined in the lib and it is:
> Archive member name at 1183A: netcdf.dll/
> 46914E68 time/date Sun Jul 08 16:51:52 2007
> uid
> gid
> 0 mode
> 26 size
> correct header end
> Version      : 0
> Machine      : 14C (x86)
> TimeDateStamp: 46914E68 Sun Jul 08 16:51:52 2007
> SizeOfData   : 00000012
> DLL name     : netcdf.dll
> Symbol name  : _ncerr
> Type         : data
> Name type    : no prefix
> Hint         : 342
> Name         : ncerr
> I can write working netcdf programs as long as I don't use ncerr or ncopts. 
> At this point I don't know how to fix this. My larger goal is to use the 
> Exodus II mesh library which uses netCDF and which is was the first code 
> where I encountered this problem. I have been reading the netCDF 
> documentation and source code and see the ncerr/ncopts variables in the code 
> and in the binary but I can't seem to link to them.
> Any suggestions are welcome.

Are you building with the DLL_NETCDF environment flag set?

The two variables, ncerr and ncopts, are the only two global variables in the 
netCDF API. They are left over from the netCDF-2 API, and are not necessary if 
you are using the netCDF-3 API.

However, some code does use them, and there is something weird about how to 
handle global variables under Windows. (Because there is always something weird 
about doing *anything* under windows!)

The answer is going to be in how ncerr and ncopts are declared in 

/* Declaration modifiers for DLL support (MSC et al) */

#if defined(DLL_NETCDF) /* define when library is a DLL */
#  if defined(NC_DLL_EXPORT) /* define when building the library */
#   define MSC_EXTRA __declspec(dllexport)
#  else
#   define MSC_EXTRA __declspec(dllimport)
#  endif
#include <io.h>
#define lseek _lseeki64
#define off_t __int64
#define stat __stat64
#define fstat _fstat64
#define MSC_EXTRA
#endif  /* defined(DLL_NETCDF) */

# define EXTERNL extern MSC_EXTRA

/* When netCDF is built as a DLL, this will export ncerr and
 * ncopts. When it is used as a DLL, it will import them. */
#if defined(DLL_NETCDF)
MSC_EXTRA int ncerr;
MSC_EXTRA int ncopts;

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KIS-873279
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Open