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[netCDF #YCK-274847]: Probelms reading ARGO data

Hi Entcho,

It looks like the header of the file you sent is corrupted, because
that error occurs in the netCDF library when it's trying to open the
file and read in its header information.  It reads the number of
records OK (0) and the dimension array OK, but then it tries to read
in the global attributes and the first global attribute seems to have
a type flag of 2372, which doesn't correspond to any of the six types
supported in netCDF-3, and it returns the unhelpful error code
corresponding to "invalid argument".

If you get an octal dump of the file header, I think you can follow
along with the File Format Specification at


to verify the problem.  I was just using the dbx debugger to see why
the file couldn't be read.

Check to see if the file was transported or accessed in some way that
might have changed some of the bits, for example FTPing it in some
mode other than binary or passing it through some process that tried
to convert carriage-return characters to new-lines.  NetCDF files are
binary and must be interhanged in a way that doesn't change any bits


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YCK-274847
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed