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Re: 20050719: building a shared netcdf library

Unidata Support <address@hidden> writes:

> ------- Forwarded Message
>>To: address@hidden
>>From: Amarjit Sathi <address@hidden>
>>Subject: compiling shared netcdf 
>>Organization: University of Birmingham
>>Keywords: 200507191337.j6JDbsjo004758 netCDF shared library
> Hi,
>       I tried to post this request through you web page but it didn't
> like my email address, kept asking me to fill in something that I had
> already filled in.
> Package: netCDF General
> Version: 3.6.0-p1
> OS: linux (64 bit white box)
> HW: AMD Opteron
> Query: I have a package that requires the shared netCDF library. However
> non of the configure options seem to allow me to craete a shared library
> although I know it is possible. How do I create a shared version of
> libnetcdf?
> I'd be grateful for any leads.
> Amarjit
> Amarjit Sathi, Computer Officer, School of Computer Science, University of
> Birmingham, B15 2TT. Tel:0121 414 4769 Fax:0121 414 4281

This is a non-trivial problem, and I don't know the answer.

In version 4.0, currently nearing beta release, shared libraries are

Getting from 3.6 to 4.0 required many many changes, so it is not just
a few lines I can send you to get a shared library.

My suggestion would be to wait for 4.0 beta, which will be out
sometime next month, we hope.



Ed Hartnett  -- address@hidden