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Re: 20041222: Request for Help in Installation of NetCDF on OpenV MS Platform

> Not to waste your time but it's always good to follow up I guess.  The story
> is the same, when I try your sites.  They lead to this, now familiar point:
>  "NetCDF 
>          Purpose : NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for
> array-oriented data access and a library that ...
> click here      to get the source distribution and information
> patch for version 3.5.1 ..."
> The "click here" leads to "Page not found".

That's strange, because it works for me.  On the page


the URL under the "click here" to get the source distribution and
information is


which should work fine, as it's our home page that gets hits many
times each day.  The URL under the "click here for Patch" link is


and when I click on it, it downloads the file
NETCDF-3_5_1_VMSPATCH.TAR to my disk.  In case that's the file you
want, I've also put it here temporarily:


It's a 177664 byte file.  Please let me know if/when you get it, so I
can delete it from the netCDF directory.
