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Re: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E

>To: address@hidden
>From: Helen Fairhurst <address@hidden>
>Subject: NetCDF 3.5.1 beta version on Cray T3E
>Organization: Met Office
>Keywords: 200209191302.g8JD21122412

Hi Helen,

> I am attempting to compiler and install NetCDF on our Cray T3E 
> with the F90 interface. I have downloaded the NetCDF 3.5.1 beta 
> version and have attempted to compile following the instructions 
> Using f90 on Cray T3E running Unicos/mk
> CC=/opt/ctl/bin/cc
> FC=/opt/ctl/bin/f90
> FFLAGS='-g -F -dp'
> CXX=/opt/ctl/bin/CC
> F90=/opt/ctl/bin/f90
> I also copied in the version of f90/netcdf_test.f90 from this 
> posting in your archives when I hit the problem mentioned 
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/coohl/mhonarc/MailArchives/netcdf/msg03863.html
> I am now at the stage where the f90/netcdf_test is failing with 
> Making `test' in directory /tmp/netcdf2/netcdf-3.5.1-beta/src/f90
>         /opt/ctl/bin/f90 -o netcdf_test   netcdf_test.f90 netcdf.o
> typeSizes.o ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a 
> SIGNAL: Floating point exception (invalid floating point operation)
>  Beginning of Traceback (PE 0):
>   Interrupt at address 0x80006d6a0 in routine 'ncx_putn_float_double'.
>   Called from line 975 (address 0x80005bb94) in routine
> 'nc_put_att_double'.
>   Called from line 117 (address 0x8000acd90) in routine 'NF_PUT_ATT_REAL'.
>   Called from line 244 (address 0x800006394) in routine
>   Called from line 51 (address 0x800001d74) in routine 'NETCDFTEST'.
>   Called from line 475 (address 0x800000c94) in routine '$START$'.
>  End of Traceback.
> sh: 17460 Floating exception(coredump)
> I note that this problem was raised with you in November 2001 
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/coohl/mhonarc/MailArchives/netcdf/msg03864.html
> but did not find a final solution posted following this. 
> Was a resolution found? I'd be grateful for any input. 

No, I'm sorry to say we never heard back on this issue so it's still
unresolved.  And we still don't have access to a Cray T3E.  I'm CC:ing
Steve Emmerson on this reply, in case he has any ideas for how to make

> Let me know if you would like me to supply more information. 
> Thanks, 
> Helen
> -- 
> Helen Fairhurst    Supercomputer Support Analyst
> Met Office  London Road  Bracknell  Berkshire  RG12 2SZ  United Kingdom
> Tel: +44 (0)1344 856097    Fax: +44 (0)1344 854412



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu