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20020425: bug report (+fix) for netcdf f90 library


Thanks for sending your report.

Our Fortran-90 expert says, however, that the line in question is OK
because the right-hand-side is automatically reduced to the size of the
left-hand-side. We suspect, therefore, that your Fortran-90 compiler
doesn't conform to the standard.

Because your fix can't hurt, however, we modified our code accordingly
and the modification will be in the next release.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>

> To: address@hidden
> cc: Patrick Joeckel <address@hidden>
> From: Rolf Sander <address@hidden>
> Subject: bug report (+fix) for netcdf f90 library
> Organization: Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry
> Keywords: 200204251416.g3PEGpa11170 netCDF SuSE Linux F90
> I installed version 3.5.0 of the netcdf f90 library under SuSE-Linux 7.0
> using a lahey f95 compiler.
> I had several run-time crashes but eventually I found the problem using
> a compiler range check option.
> In the file netcdf_variables.f90 there is a function called
> nf90_Inquire_Variable. This function contains a line:
>     if(present(dimids)) dimids(:numDimensions) = dimensionIDs
> The problem is that the size of dimensionIDs is 100 (nf90_max_var_dims)
> but the size of dimids is user-defined and usually only 3 or 4. I
> corrected the line to:
>     if(present(dimids)) dimids(:numDimensions) = dimensionIDs(:numDimensions)
> and now everything seems to work fine.
>                 Greetings
>                         Rolf
> -- 
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>   Rolf Sander                               phone: [+49] 6131/305-449
>   Air Chemistry Department                    fax: [+49] 6131/305-436
>   Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry   email: address@hidden
>   PO Box 3060, 55020 Mainz, Germany    www.mpch-mainz.mpg.de/~sander/
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