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Re: 20020318: netCDF V3.5.0

>To: address@hidden
>From: Eirh-Yu Hsie <address@hidden>
>Subject: netCDF V3.5.0
>Organization: Aeronomy Laboratory/NOAA/DOC
>Keywords: 200203182020.g2IKKna25010

Hi Eirh-Yu,

> I am trying to compile a old netcdf program (using Verions 2 fortran
> interface) with newer library (Version 3.5.0).  It keeps compaining that
> the loader can not find the verion 2 interface.  But fort-v2compat is in
> the library:
> cumulus:[65]% f77 -o netdcfG1.x -L/opt/local/lib -R/opt/local/lib
> -lnetcdf netdc
> fG1.f
> netdcfG1.f:
>  MAIN:
> Undefined                       first referenced
>  symbol                             in file
> ncdinq_                             netdcfG1.o
> ncvid_                              netdcfG1.o
> ncvinq_                             netdcfG1.o
> ncopn_                              netdcfG1.o
> ncclos_                             netdcfG1.o
> ncinq_                              netdcfG1.o
> ncvgt_                              netdcfG1.o
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to netdcfG1.x
> cumulus:[66]% ar -t /opt/local/lib/libnetcdf.a
> attr.o
> dim.o
> error.o
> libvers.o
> nc.o
> ncio.o
> ncx.o
> putget.o
> string.o
> v1hpg.o
> v2i.o
> var.o
> fort-attio.o
> fort-control.o
> fort-dim.o
> fort-genatt.o
> fort-geninq.o
> fort-genvar.o
> fort-lib.o
> fort-misc.o
> fort-v2compat.o
> fort-vario.o
> fort-var1io.o
> fort-varaio.o
> fort-varmio.o
> fort-varsio.o
> netcdf.o
> typeSizes.o
> The machine is a Sun Sparc 3000 running Solaris 7.  The netcdf version
> is 3.5.0.

Maybe the program was compiled with a different compiler than the
netCDF-3.5 version of the library you have.  A different C or Fortran
compiler uses different conventions for calling C functions from
Fortran, which is how the netCDF-2 Fortran interface is implemented.
Try recompiling the program using the same compilers and flags used to
build the 3.5 version of the library.

Also if you still have the netCDF source directories where it was
built, you can run "make test" in the src/fortran directory to make
sure the version 2 compatibility library is tested and works.  If you
want to see the compiler flags it was built with, use "make clean
test" in that directory, assuming you have write permission there.

You can also use "nm" to look at the actual names used in the
fort-v2compat.o object file, something like:

 $ nm -A /opt/local/lib/libnetcdf.a | grep ncdinq

for example, which should show something like

  /opt/local/lib/libnetcdf.a[fort-v2compat.o]: [29]     |      4496|      
72|FUNC |LOCL |0    |2      |c_ncdinq
  /opt/local/lib/libnetcdf.a[fort-v2compat.o]: [110]    |      4568|     
236|FUNC |GLOB |0    |2      |ncdinq_

If the name "ncdinq" appears with a different number of underscores
before or after the name, that is an indication that a different
compiler was used in creating the library.
