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Re: 20020125: ncdump printing of multi-line global attributes

>To: address@hidden
>cc: address@hidden
>From: Willie Kantrowitz <address@hidden>
>Subject: ncdump printing of multi-line global attributes
>Organization: MIT
>Keywords: 200201251855.g0PItXx02262 ncdump global attributes

Hi again Willie,

> This is an annoyance.  I would hope/expect that it would not be too
> difficult to correct,  especially since ncdump already knows to do a
> small indentation for continuation lines.
> (While I have not tried it, I assume the same indentation scheme is used
> for printing attributes of variables.  A similar correction should hold
> there too.)

It's a one-line change, so if you want to make it to your own ncdump
before the next release, I've appended a context diff to src/ncdump.c.


diff -c -r1.9 ncdump.c
*** ncdump.c    2000/08/24 20:40:17     1.9
--- ncdump.c    2002/01/27 19:44:28
*** 176,182 ****
            Printf ("\\f");
        case '\n':              /* generate linebreaks after new-lines */
!           Printf ("\\n\",\n    \"");
        case '\r':
            Printf ("\\r");
--- 176,182 ----
            Printf ("\\f");
        case '\n':              /* generate linebreaks after new-lines */
!           Printf ("\\n\",\n\t\t\t\"");
        case '\r':
            Printf ("\\r");