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20010823: netCDF and VMS

>From: address@hidden
>Organization: NIWA
>Keywords: 200108230232.f7N2Ww105325 netCDF OpenVMS


>I realise this might seem like an enquiry from a dinosaur... but do you have 
>an (Alpha) OpenVMS version of netCDF? You refer to one on one of your 
>software pages... but it seems as though it is no longer there...

You can build the netCDF on OpenVMS yourself.  It sounds like you are
looking for a binary distribution; true?

>Perhaps you can refer me to someone who is using netCDF on VMS who 
>could help?

It might be best if you:

o join the netcdfgroup email list
o post your query there

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>Thanks very much.
>Dr Michael J. Uddstrom
>Principal Scientist, Meteorology & Remote Sensing
>301 Evans Bay Parade 
>Greta Point
>Wellington, New Zealand
>(Postal Address: PO Box 14 901, Wellington)
>DDI   +(64) (4) 386 0365, Fax   +(64) (4) 386 2153 
>Home  +(64) (4) 478 9734, email: address@hidden
>www:   http://www.niwa.cri.nz

Tom Yoksas