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20000705: need help! building on a Linux system using g77, cc, c++


>Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 11:59:29 -0300
>From: Fabian Ochs <address@hidden>
>Organization: ?
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20000629: need help! building on a Linux system using g77, cc, c++
>Keywords: 200006291630.e5TGUIT01311

In the above message, you wrote:

> the reason i asked for help is :
> executing the make or make test has the following output :
> .....
> .
> .
> .
> .
> cfortran.h:
> 151:#error "cfortran.h: can 't find your environment :\
> - ......\
> -
> .
> .
> .
> make[2]:***[fort-alho.o] Error1
> make[2] leaving directory ...
> make[1]:***[subdir.target] Error2
> make[1]: leaving dir ...
> make:[fortran/all]Error2
> i am not sure ... but in general means error that something went wrong ....

Yes.  The above means that an error occurred.  If you had followed the
instructions in the INSTALL file about reporting problems, then you
probably would have had the netCDF package installed by now.

On a Linux system, when using the native compilers, the C macro
"f2cFortran" must be defined.  This macro tells the C compiler to use a
specific set of Fortran-calling-C conventions.

Try the following:

    1.  To to the top-level, netCDF source directory.

    2.  Perform steps 3 through 5 near the end of the INSTALL file.

    3.  Ensure that the environment variable CPPFLAGS contains the
        string "-Df2cFortran".

    4.  Perform steps 6 througth 9 near the end of the INSTALL file.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>