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Re: 980911: nfconfig.inc missing from netcdf-3.4


> From: Lynn Harvey <address@hidden>
> Organization: NASA/LARC
> Keywords: 199809111920.NAA15063

In the above message, you wrote:

> I downloaded netcdf-3.4/ from ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/
> and the nfconfig.inc file required to run ftest.F is missing.  Do you
> know where I can get this file?

The file "fortran/nfconfig.inc" is created by the "configure" script
from the file "fortran/nfconfig.in".  Are you saying that the execution
of the configure script did not create the file?

> In addition- do you have a very simple fortran code that illustrates
> how to create, write data to, and read data from a NetCDF file?

The netCDF User's Guide for Fortran is full of examples.  It's available
at the following URL:


See chapter 4, in particular.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>