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Re: 980428: netCDF 3.4 on a CRAY


> From: "Reinhard W. Stotzer" <address@hidden>
> Subject: netCDF 3.4 on a CRAY
> Organization: Sandia National Labs
> Keywords: 199804291955.NAA04374 netCDF 3.4 Cray J90

In the above message, you wrote:

>   I'm trying to run your Makefile for ncdump out of the netCDF 3.4
> distribution on a CRAY J90. I'm wondering if there is a reason for
> not modifying the Makefile as you did for the ncgen Makefile, 
> namely using 
>                ld_netcdf       = $(lib_netcdf) 
>    instead of
>                ld_netcdf       = -L../libsrc -lnetcdf
>    Just wandering if you left this in the ncdump Makefile for a
> reason which I might be overlooking.

When searching for a reason, never overlook stupidity.  :-)

Go ahead and modify ncdump/Makefile.  Please let me know if it works.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>

>From address@hidden  Thu Apr 30 11:17:30 1998
Thanks for you quick response! Yes, that little change works fine 
for me without screwing things up on other platforms. Thanks again!
